in Hive Naija25 days ago

Life comes with both ups and downs. Going by the sayings: "Challenges are the food of champions" and that "No victory without a conquest", therefore, it is good to note that challenges are to make us better amd not to break us if seeing in the right perspective and managed well. Every challenge is a pointer to an impending victory and we all face one challenge or the other be it in marriage, financies, academically, endeavors etc.

One of my major experience of hope during a difficult time was during my university undergraduate studies precisely during my third year. I had just failed some courses which made me to repeat a whole academic session based on the peculiarity of my course of study as no carryover was allowed. I was sad when i saw my name on the repeat list even though i didn't expect such. Many thoughts runs through my mind and this made me to weep.

I was encouraged by my parents, family and friends to face it again and that it will all turn out well. This encouragement went a long way as an anchor to hold on for a successful new acdemic session. Also, some of our lecturers organised an interactive session for us the affected students which was a productive one filled with hopes for a better and improved academic performance in the new academic session.

We started the new session though with a little fear of getting it right and also a bit of shame of being in the same class with one's former immediate juniors. As the tests and examinations started coming and some of the results are been good, this sparks more hope of a great session and at the end of the session, the final result collation was done and the results were released. I was "eager and fearful" to check the results and lo, i made the pass list for the very first time. Since that time till i graduated, i made the pass list.

This experience taught me a great lesson to be hopeful amidst challenges taking necessary and right steps alongside because, it will turn out well. One of the killers of hope is negative word been spoken by loved ones especially during a challenging moment. In addition to that, hope makes alive and it brings assurance/reassurance of a good end. In all truth, it is good to remain hopeful because "once there is life, there is hope".

It's good to prepare or have an expectation of challenges sometimes because "life is not a bed of roses" and not only that, to know how to manage such challenge effectively. If one or both of these is missing, it can affect the individual hope which inturn may lead to unpalatable situations like depression, affected esteem or death in some cases. Therefore, i do counsel that during a difficult time, it's good for an individual to open up to a mentor, guardian or someone of such for possible encouragement and right guidance through such moment. Thank you for reading as comments, contributions are welcomed.

This is my entry to @Hivenaija weekly prompt 47 which is posted through @inleo

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Posted Using InLeo Alpha


in life, challenges are inevitable and like you said, it's wise to have an open mind for any challenge we may come across in life and remain positive until we pull through. Your story depicts hope in a challenge and I am glad to know that your family and friends stood by you until you overcame.
Thanks for sharing this with us

Apt 💯
Well said ma ✓
Developing an open mind and family support goes along way which I quite agree with you.
Thanks for reading and commenting, I appreciate.

Challenges shape our identities and destiny. It's good to read about your challenging journey in university while you were in undergraduate degree. I am happy that your parents were standing with you and their constant appreciation and support was always along with you.

True 💯
Challenges are stepping stones to something great in the face of hope.
Special appreciation to God, family, friends, lecturers and everyone that supported aswell.

Thanks so much for reading and commenting. I appreciate

 25 days ago  

That was very resilient of you, man. Getting carryovers automatically discourages one, and it is even usually difficult to ace. Thankfully, the experience only made you stronger and built you for more.

True 💯
It's really discouraging as said, but thankfully, here we are stronger and better. Special appreciation to God, family, lecturers for their support to hope for something great again.

Thanks so much for reading and commenting, I appreciate you sir.

 24 days ago  

Voted by Hive Naija.gif

Hope makes alive. Hoping in the midst of challenges can be a tough one but it doesn't fail one, especially when you trust in the Lord. Thank God for the experience and how you scaled through.

Sometimes life can throw you off balance believing is the most important factor.

Passing university graduation was very difficult for you. Your efforts continued though. Through which you can later take your experience to a more finished place. May God continue your efforts always.

Life is up and down we just have to be prepared when it hits us

Getting a carryover in any course is always painful, and the thought of redoing the course can be traumatic. Sometimes most people who have carryover tend not to do well in the course the second time. But there you are, you fought hard and shrug off the negativity. Congrats.

This is the benefit of communicating with the right people who would sincerely encourage you and give you help in a right direction, thank God you came through successfully.

Beautiful piece, thank God for your success