My First Visit To Ivory Coast-Cote D Ivoire

in Hive Naija27 days ago

Write about your first experience with something significant, (e.g voting traveling solo, public speaking etc)

My first experience traveling far from home was hilarious. Hell, I wish I could have that experience all over again. I was 17 or there about when my mum took my siblings and I to Ivory Coast for a church program.

Mum had always loved taking us on a trip especially when it comes to church programs, but the experience to cote D'ivoire still lingers in my memory cause it was damn amazing.

We moved from Warri to Lagos with another family of 6 so probably we were two families traveling together. Maybe that was what made it exciting. From Delta to Lagos wasn't all that stressful as usual. We stopped at ore to eat something delicious. I wasn't road sick maybe cause we were all gisting inside the vehicle

6 hours passed and we entered Lagos. Obviously we could not continue our journey so we all had to spend the night in Lagos. The other family took us to their relative's house and we were served with delicious white Egusi soup and pounded yam.

We all spent the night there and the next morning we board a vehicle heading to the border in Badagry, lagos was all jampact and full of hustlers so we where all close to each other probably not to get lost

At the border it was difficult to get cleared in as some of us were not with our passports. We had to pay our way in and were cleared. We boarded another vehicle heading to Cote D Ivoire. It was a long ride but I enjoyed it all the way.

We arrived at cote d ivoire at about 1am and located a hotel. Since we were two families and we were already used to each other's company we all decided to stay in one very mighty suite as one large family, probably because that was the only suite available at that time. The suite was quite big. I presume it's the biggest in the hotel. My family stayed in the inside room while the other family stayed in the front room.

It was a hectic journey but one funny thing was it wasnt tiring. The next morning we all freshen up and go get something to eat. This was my first time traveling far and outside Nigeria, nevertheless it was a beautiful experience .

Cote d ivoire is a beautiful place. Filled with people who barly speak English but French which actually makes communication difficult for us all since we don't know how to speak french. We had to demonstrate with our hands just to get a better communication of what we were trying to say.

The food over there is quite different from Nigeria, but you know what they say, when you are in Rome you behave like the Romans. We had to eat it so as not to starve to death.

At the end of the program we decided to cool off by going to the beach. This actually made us explore Cote D 'ivoire even more and it was beautiful. On getting to the beach we had the fun time, had some drinks, dance to the music, watch some games, eat suya and at 6pm we head back to the lodge,

The next day we traveled back home and the journey was as easy as going in the first place. I just Wish i had this journey sooner again.

This is my entry to the Hive Naija Weekly Prompt Week47

Original content by the author.

Resources: App: Pixabay
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@tipu curate


Wow, I guessed you enjoyed the whole trip despite the stressful part, arriving in the other country by 1 am might have been really stressful, hope you slept sha😏

Yahh yahhh it was awesome and fine

It's always fun and amazing traveling to another location especially with loved ones and from what you have put down, you experience was fun.