in Hive Naija29 days ago (edited)

Nigerians always have a way of dedicating a particular day to commemorate the life of people or loved ones who have either passed, lived well or any occasion at all. Especially in the Yoruba culture, there are several annual traditions that have been actively consistent in keeping up with the traditions and cultures set up by this families. Different kind of annual traditions that happens in families consists of remembrance, posthumous birthdays, birthday celebration of elderly ones that brings the family together one a year, worship of ancestral deities for families that still practice it and so on. From my experience of these annual tradition using my family especially my father's side as an example, I have come to realize that this gathering is not just for the fun of it, but a means to bring about unity and harmony between the children.

This tradition of my family always meeting up once in a year at the family house in ondo state was a wish my grandfather made before he passed on. It happens on the 1st or 2nd day of the new year and this was properly planned because,it was a time when most family members would travel home with their families,so it's like killing two birds with one stone. Apparently, he had many properties and assets that were shared equally in accordance to his will and others for maintenance, but this was not enough for him, he wanted more as he wanted his children to be united as one and this is because of the fact that he ran a polygamous home he was married to you more than one wife and quite a number of children both male and female.

It has become a favorite tradition for the family because I always look forward to attending, because there is a lot to eat and drink. One reason especially why I love going there aside from the food is the opportunity to meet my cousins as we are always apart almost throughout the year we get to meet at that family tradition yearly. Most times we have to travel down from our location to our hometown just to participate, it's always a fun activity because there is always plenty of food will make varieties such as Ankara balls, goat meat called asun, pounded yam and egusi soup jollof rice with chicken and so many drinks available.

In the course of the family celebration and tradition the children of our late grandfather take the opportunity to have a meeting to discuss about the welfare of the properties and asset of their fathers and everything concerning the well-being of each individuals. This ceremony has brought peace unity and harmony amongst the children under extension the grandchildren of the family, as We know in most polygamous homes the disunity and hatred amongst members of the family is so disappoint me that is brings about to distance between sisters and brothers who are supposed to be united. But reverse is the case in my family as my grandfather meet sure but he left a legacy to be followed amongst his children.

The major advantages of this family get together that occurs once a year that I have witnessed for over 10 years is that it brings about a unified family and allows for the next generation to get familiar with one another and also to carry out the legacy. Also, it allows for families to discuss about happenings over the year and settle matters with urgency. It has also help to strengthen the bond between brothers and sisters, where trust and support for one another is topmost. Again, it's a medium to create long lasting memories that would leave one nostalgic of it.

The MAY inleo prompt has commenced for the new month, it's an opportunity to take on topics of your choice and write on them. Check the link above to participate. Also in collaboration with the #hivenaija community

Images used herein are mine taken by me

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Posted Using InLeo Alpha

 29 days ago  

Hmmm... a beautiful way to still keep the spirit going is a family reunion. You have unique traditions in your family and it fosters the spirit of oneness among you all

What a way of keeping the family going, I believe your grandfather did this for a reason and for his children and grandchildren to come together once a year to celebrate and just be around each other, I like that.

 28 days ago  

Voted by Hive Naija.gif