A relationship I ended for a silly reason.

in Hive Naija27 days ago

Hello everyone and welcome to my blog. It's been a while here. Big thanks to @hivenaija for these weeks prompts and good luck to everyone engaging in these weeks prompts.

When I saw the prompts, everything and how it happened flashed before me. I felt that relationship between people was born out of the strong feelings the two people have for each other. I was one that loved love. I liked it when two people came together and confess what they shared and then something sparked and then boom a relationship, some even led to them being together for life.

Relationship can be defined as a situation in which one is connected to something or someone.
When I saw the prompts, everything and how it happened flashed before me. I felt that relationship between people was born out of the strong feelings the two people have for each other.


I was one that loved love. I liked it when two people came together and confess what they shared and then something sparked and then boom a relationship, some even led to them being together for life.

People in relationship have a way they behave towards each other or regard each other. Sometimes the feelings in the relationship can be a romantic feeling or sexual feeling. When entering into a relationship its very important to build a healthy one. A relationship that is built on trust, honesty, respect and communication is always open between two partners.

In relationship, partner's decisions are respected. To have q successful relationship, one you can enjoy and one that will last has to be one with intimacy, passion and very important commitment. They are four types of relationship, the first one is very common, family relationships, friendships, acquaintanceships and romantic relationship.


Family relationship is a type of relationship with between people connected by blood. Friendships are relationship that's always on a mutual level. Acquaintanceships can be said to be a relationship between two people who have met but they don't know each other well. Lastly a romantic relationship is one between two people who have a romantic or sexual feeling between two people.

No doubt that I've ended so many relationships but I always have a valid reason for ending them. And it's always kind of a mutual understanding between the both of us. But there's just a particular relationship I ended and to be sincere I can't just forget it
Its been 6years now or thereabout but its still fresh in my memory.

I met a particular guy that I liked so much and from the way he was acting i also thought he liked me. We got talking seriously and one thing led to another, he eanted to take things seriously and he asked me out to be his girlfriend and of course I accepted because I liked him and I felt he did too.

Days after I noticed something that wasn't really normal. His brother atarted texting me and the chat wasn't one that looked like he knew i was now with his brother. When we saw physically, even in the presence of his brother, he was flirting with me.


I called my guy at that time and I told him everything I noticed, bobo get the mind, the guts, to tell me that yes he didn't ask me out to date me but he did so for his brother. Ahhhhh...... I know say I tall o but seriously I was short of words. I just ended things there and then. That really hurt me and changed my mind about love, i swore never to believe in love anymore. But I thank God for healing. Share a little of your story in the comments section.

Thank you for stopping by
Best wishes ❤️


Posted Using InLeo Alpha

 26 days ago  

Voted by Hive Naija.gif

That's crazy, why would he ask you out for his brother, maybe the brother is the shy type, glad you ended things right there cause that is very silly 😁

I can imagine how you felt when he told you that. For the fact that you had some feelings for the guy made it worse. He should have, at least, told you right from the first day of conversation.

But I'm over him now