Any Silly Work?

in Hive Naija10 months ago

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Photo by Anna Tarazevich:
If I could do anything for work and I had to pick silly jobs to do, I think I'll go with jobs that align with my hobbies. Yes, silly jobs that align with things I love doing in my spare time. As a guy that doesn't like stress. I literally detest it but unfortunately as a Nigerian you are bound to see stress everyday. It is like a normal thing now. So if I am to go with willy jobs the will be stress free jobs that align with the things I love to do most. Jobs Like-

Professional cuddler
Food Taster
Professional Netflix Tagger.

I guess you never knew some of these jobs exist. Maybe they might not be in Nigeria but they truly do exist. And those have been some silly jobs I admire.

Here's what these jobs are all about.

Professional cuddler: this is definitely up there in terms of silliness. Like, It is literally a job where you get paid just to snuggle with strangers. Yes, you get paid to cuddle strangers. Ofcourse you get to do things like spooning, gentle massages, and gentle forehead kisses.

If you think it isn't true, which I'm sure some of you are thinking that way now. Well, I'm sorry to burst your bubble because there's a whole business model built around it, with professional cuddling studios. You can look it up on google. I think they even have the mobile ones. Like cuddlers who will come to your home or office for a snuggle sesh. 😂 Home service cuddling. Basically it's just a PG version of intimacy for hire. Just pray not to get a client with body odour.

Okay to the next one which is food taster which is also a legit job. In this job you're basically paid to taste-test food and provide feedback on the foods flavors, textures, in fact the foods overall deliciousness. Mehn, It's a dream job for foodies and as a foodie why not turn my love into something I can get paid for. If you're foodie reading this just close your eyes and imagine that you get to nibble on various exotic cuisines and experimental dishes and also be paid for it. In this current administration. Although I know there's gonna be a lot of stomach running and indigestion to 😂

Professional Netflix Tagger- most of y'all might not have heard about this one. But as a movie freak I've. These lucky Professional Netflix Tagger folks get paid just to binge-watch Netflix shows and then tag each movie with the relevant keywords like "zombie apocalypse" or "RomCom"to help users with search and recommendations. Now Imagine getting paid to watch your favorite movie or be the first to see the new blockbuster . Somehow it's a dream job!

Well, that was the prompt for the week so permit me if I sounded crazy but those are my choice. 😂

What do you think?


Just pray not to get a client with body odour.

🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣You have to manage it oooo, just cuddle the person very well and take heart.

But for the food taster, it's really nice but purging will be the order of the day for such a person.

Exactly, because you get to taste every concortion. 😂😂


Professional cuddler: this is definitely up there in terms of silliness. Like, It is literally a job where you get paid just to snuggle with strangers. Yes, you get paid to cuddle strangers. Ofcourse you get to do things like spooning, gentle massages, and gentle forehead kisses.

LOL i did not just see this😂😂😂😂😂

You did o. It's crazy

Yay! 🤗
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I love the food taster part, opportunity to eat varieties 😂😂

Hope you're ready for some stomach aches too.