Voices of Change: Reshaping Gender Norms for a Better Tomorrow

in Hive Naija28 days ago

Over the years, gender has often been used as a basis for inequality, and this usually results in disadvantage, mostly for female genders. Let's get things right here. You may agree with me that both genders have different positive impacts on society, with more of each gender playing their role to strike a balance. If this is a fact, why are males placed first in different structures and agencies over females? I understand that in some cultures, mine, for example, there are more expectations from men than women, and thus the advantage men have over women, but nowadays, things have changed from what they used to be in the past.


Gone are the days when family responsibilities were only on men's shoulders. If you can reflect, women were deprived of certain occupations to earn money back then. They were confined within the four walls of the home, more like slaves to the men. They will just sit back and take care of the children while the men provide for their basic needs; they aren't permitted to hold any occupations or own properties; it's all about childbearing and homemaking. This is why my gender has no voice in certain areas that matter; it's all about men, men, men. Go to politics and see men dominate everywhere. At the labor market, most organizations pay men higher even when both genders do the same level of work.


The advantage of men in certain areas of our society obviously cannot be denied. Men are always treated as kings. For instance, in my community, male children only have access to landed properties and anything concerning inheritance. Females aren't even recognized. When it comes to important matters concerning tradition, no female is allowed to sit in the gathering. Even when a lady is set to marry and her father is dead but the mother is still alive, the mother will never be permitted to receive the bride price of her own daughter; instead, the uncle of the bride will be invited to take the position of the late father. You see? It's all about men, and I begin to wonder why this level of respect exists. Aren't we the same humans? Even our Creator sees both genders as equal before Him, so why should society discriminate?

All these advantages men have over women in our society today cannot make me see my gender as the hardest or easiest. Yes, men have responsibilities to plan their future, raise a family, and take care of people around them, but yet, women remain their supporting engine. I love it more to support, not bear the whole headache but be there to relieve my man from responsibilities, making life easier for him, and this is a whole lot of work on the part of women as well.


Even though pregnancy, childbirth, and nurturing an infant to adulthood seem like so much of a task for my gender, there's this joy within the whole experience that is unexplainable. Men may not totally understand this feeling. Whatever they are today, whatever position males occupy, it's interesting to know that females, with the help of our Creator, made males existence possible in this world. So, I will continue to take pride in my gender, no matter how society discriminates against women in some areas that matter.

Women are highly loved, cherished, and respected regardless of the inequality in certain situations. However, I wouldn't say that my life is easier or harder compared to the other gender, as both genders have great influence on their respective roles in society, and none of the roles is less challenging than the other. However, the goal should be to strive for equality.

Thanks so much for reading through. If you are a male reading this article, please kindly share your opinion, likewise my gender🤗

This post was inspired by the #inleo community and my entry to the #mayinleo monthly topic Day 22.Please check out the announcement post to get involved.

All images were taken from canva

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


I think that there are fundamental issues responsible for the disparities. There is religion perspective and there are cultural perspectives. Both religion and culture place the responsibility of paying bride price on men. They place the responsibility of caring for the family on men. This has not changed.

A young man is ready for marriage, he would be asked if his readiness financially to carry the burden of the family. No one asks a young lady that is preparing to get married that question. They are seen as supporters. Having a source of income is not a prerequisite to building a home for ladies. This is already at the disadvantages of men.

Society needs to provide that avenue for men to be able to meet up with such a demand. The stakes are not equal.

If the issue is to be addressed, men and women would have to be stripped of any advantage and they would be left to coexist on equal ground.

No one asks a young lady that is preparing to get married that question

Hahaha 😂😂 that's true but you didn't also deny the fact that we are supporters
So society placed some responsibilities on men and make them king 👑 right, they are always the most respected and first placed in certain issues
Let every advantage each gender has be stripped off and let's live an equal life

All these that you said, they're true, no doubt at all. But you know what, everyone of us know that it's high time for gender equality which is gradually being practiced but it's gonna swallow many years to come before the balance is smelled.
No be Africa culture again? 😅

Haha 😆😆😂
Be supporting your gender oo 😂
I am watching all of you with my 3 D camera 📸

It's the truth na.
Imagine a situation where you travel home for a family meeting and meet your elder brother grinding pepper on a grinding stone while other ladies were around. That time, the African sense in you will kick out the small small civilization sense you've been trying to groom😅

Haha 😆😆😂😂

You eeh, you are the real typical African man....see where your mind don run go now
Se them, oya come carry pregnancy..come have monthly blood flow, which one is harder
You guys just dey play oo 😂

I love it more to be a supportive engine too🤭
Even though, it's not easy
The truth is, both gender responsibilities are not easy because if given the men the chance to be responsible as a woman, I am sure they will prefer been the man that they are and same thing applies to the women...
Like you said, the most important thing should be for the two genders to understand themselves.

None of the responsibilities are easy, however fairness in treating each gender is the goal

I am not saying that many thing has been changed in my country in last few years and so it's not applicable in my country. In fact sometimes I feel, female are getting more advantage. In fact, our president is also a female. I think now male person are dominated either by his mother otherwise by wife.

Hahaha 😂, really? A female president in your country? That's amazing 😍..so interesting
This is what I am talking about, hahaha... everyone should just be treated equally without placing men as the king
Btw, I doubt If women get more advantage then men anywhere.. 😂

Both gender has very important roles to play in the home and society in general, the problem to me is when female roles are most times underrated, this is the root of women fighting for gender equality, which some of our men especially in this part of the world sees as evil mentality, I respect men a lot for their responsibilities, women as well should stop being seen as a second hands human being, let our roles to stop been undermined and see as everyone will be happy.

To be a man is not easy and to be a woman is definitely not any easier.

Awwwwwww 😍, you deserve a hug for this feedback 🤗
Thanks for reading funshee ❤️

 28 days ago  

Voted by Hive Naija.gif

Thanks for the curation

Thank you for highlighting the need to reshape gender norms. Both genders have unique and important roles in society. It's crucial to strive for equality and ensure that women's contributions are valued and respected. While men have their own set of responsibilities, women should not be seen as secondary

Exactly my darling 😍
You gut my viewpoint here
Thanks for coming around

I think its more of equity because we do not have equal responsibilities at life as such we can't have same privileges.

Regardless, both genders should be treated fairly which is where equity comes in.

Okay...that's a great viewpoint as well
Thanks for coming through


Thanks for the curation ❤️

Both genders are respectful for their responsibility. Where a women is mostly hard work at home same there a man is double struggling in outside work. No concern it is hot or cold they have just to struggle. Women are also very responsible for their work. They are the main part of society.
An educated woman creates an educated society.

Both genders have significant roles they play in the society and so everyone should be recognized and treats fairly