My similarities with Simi

in Hive Naija6 months ago

Hey guys!! Based on the topic given on hive naija, I decided to go for this.
I’ll love to talk about my similarities with Simi.

About Simi:

Simi is a Nigerian singer who is so much talented and she’s one of my favorite celebrity.
She is known with her kind of music, her lovely voice,her way of life and love life.
Her real name is Simisola Bolatito Kosoko (formerly known as Simisola Ogunleye before she got married).
She’s not just an artist but a back up singer and a vocalist.

Simi is also married to Adekunle gold who is also an artist.
She has a female child,Adejare.

They got married in 2019. She had her first child at the age of thirty. At first people didn’t know she was in a relationship with Adekunle gold.
Although, I love it when people keep there things private.
There are lot of advantages from it.

*Why I love Simi

I love Simi because her songs makes me happy.
Her music makes me feel this chemistry and her music speaks to my soul.
Some of her music that attracted me includes,
Tiff, jamb question, chemistry, soldier,love don’t care etc.

Duduke is one of her song that helped a lot of people that i know.
This particular songs made women have this special love for children. This song speaks more of love for pregnancy and children.

Her first set of features with falz made some of us thinks she was in a relationship with him.
Some of her songs were even used at occasions like weddings,naming ceremonies etc.
Simi has impacted my love life positively.

Simi has helped me emotionally because each time i come accross her post,I smile and even forget about things that made me sad.

**My similarities with Simi **

The similarities we have include:

  1. Our voice
  2. Our facial look.
  3. Our stature
  1. The first time i heard about simi, her voice was the first thing that attracted me.
    Back then in university,my friends will come to me and tell me Odunola,you have the same voice with Simi!!!

I wasn’t shocked because it was true but the more people tell me,the more i love her music.

  1. Then this facial look got people talking.
    Even people that don’t know me will be like,are you related to Simi?
    Is she your sister?
    The surprising thing about it is that people that don’t even know me calls me Simi.
    Throughout my start in university,people called me Simi.

Most people don’t even know my real name.

Even when my name is called in class, people will still be surprised because they don’t know my real name.

  1. I have the same stature with Simi.(right before she had her child)
    And people agreed to that.

Sometimes i wish i could just call her on the phone and tell her,” you have a sister somewhere”. lol😂

I just wish one day, I’ll meet Simi and she will be able to confirm this things.

Thanks for reading my post!!!
I love you!!🥰


Your look sort of gives off the "tiny voice" vibe. And with all these similarities and confirmations by other people, I have no doubt. I just would have liked to hear your voice. Simi's voice is very cool and babyish😀

 6 months ago  
