I wish I could get my money back

in Hive Naija8 months ago

I wish I could get my money back.

It seems to be my second year at the school after getting familiar with school activities. But while I was at home preparing to go back to school, my mother had to make a list of items I would need at school that year. I listed them and gave them to my parents, but to my great surprise, my parents picked out some things they would provide for me while going to school.

However, they seem to be the highest priority that I need. I felt unhappy, hoping that all the items I listed would be given to me. But my daddy promised me that he would send me my school fees the following week when I got to school.

When I got back to school the following week, my dad sent me my school fees, and without adding any extra fees, I wasn't happy. However, that very night, when my dad sent the money, I told my friend that I needed something, mostly a laptop for one of my courses, which I thought my parents would get me, before coming to school. She then told me I should invest part of my school fee money in a platform where I would get double the money in the next fourteen days. She showed me some proof of a transaction she made with the platform that also assured me that the platform was real.

That very night, I agreed to do the same. So she registered me on the platform, and I ended up getting a notification that in the next fourteen days, I would be credited double with the money I sent. But, guess what? The platform will be closing in the next three days, even though my friend was not aware of it. However, I was waiting for the credit alert. The fourteen days came. I didn't see the alert. Later, my friend tried to open the platform, and she ended up finding out that the platform had closed. When she told me, I was devastated, not knowing what to do. And my school will soon close the portal for payment of school fees.

I had to start looking for a way to get assistance from my relatives without the notification of my parents. Notwithstanding, I didn't get the complete amount of money. But to worsen it all, one of my uncles had to call my mom to inform her. She called me and asked me what had happened to my school fees. I lied and told her that one of our lecturers had asked us to do a project that cost us a lot of money, and I didn't want to fail the course, so I had to take part of my school fees to pay for the project. My mom said, ““That is so bad of you; why didn't you call to inform me or your dad about it?”" She then told me to pay my school fees myself.

Then I went ahead and paid for my school fees. My friend, who introduced me to the platform, later left me alone. I had to start running up and down for the money.

You won't believe that when I paid my school fees, my friend still went ahead to tell my mom that we were not given any projects and that I used the money for investment. It's really hot for me. She called me and told me that she wouldn't send me money again. It caused me great pain, and I had to call my aunt and uncle to beg my parents on their behalf. My parents accepted the plea, but every week I wasn't given the full amount of my feeding money. It was a devastating year for me.

The lesson learned was that I shouldn't have taken the yield to do the investment, and I also shouldn't have listened to my friend to do the investment. Oh, I wish I had thought twice before making the investment that caused me great pain during my second year in school. And that friend of mine seems not to be a good friend.

***The pictures are my property***

At least you learned your lesson. You should never invest money that you are not willing to lose and even less if you need it for your basic expenses. And you should never trust those sites that promise exorbitant profits because they always end up being a scam.

Yes oo, you're right. I have also learnt my lesson too.
Thanks so much

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I learnt one thing in school, never use your school fee for anything even if you can recover it back. It's a risk many took and it cost them so much.

I've learnt my lesson too,
Thanks so much

 8 months ago  

This really got me, what a bad friend why would she behave like that when she was the one that got you into it, I don't blame you if I were in your shoes I would do the same

She really taught me a big lesson even though I didn't expect it from her

An important lesson learned the difficult way. If something seems too good to be true, it is probably fake.
And also, all investing is taking a risk, so only ever invest money you can afford to lose.