A childhood bee sting experience shaped my perspective on these insects

in Hive Naijalast month

It took me a long time to think about why bees are a blessing and a problem to other animals, not just humans. Aside from my personal experience, I have heard numerous stories about people encountering bees, and it mostly doesn't end well.

Recently, I saw videos of people staying around bees without any form of protection, and they weren't stung. I have asked questions but didn't get a response, and it got me thinking if there are wild and domestic bees because those videos are just unbelievable to me. I believe bees are still bees, and there is something those who invade the privacy of these insects without any form of protection aren't telling us.

I grew up in a village, and after my encounter with these insects, I concluded that the best thing about bees is the honey we get from them. There was a time when someone complained to me about the high price of honey, and my response was simple: "If you encounter a bee attack, you wouldn't mind paying double the price."

We were very young then, and we wanted to explore badly. I was stubborn and also the leader of the gang, but my look easily fooled people then.

The image is mine

One fateful morning during the holidays, the thought of going into the bush in search of fruits crossed my mind, and I told my siblings. We went with some of our friends, and while roaming about deep in the bush, one of us said an object standing some meters away was a bee hive.

We watched from afar, but I wanted a close look, so I went closer alone. As I approached it, I heard this buzzing sound and wanted to scare the insects off. My attempt failed, and I got stung.

I ran as fast as I could to join the others, and we ran far away from those premises. I felt so much discomfort in my hands and face, but going home without fruit wasn't an option. As we went further, the spots where I got stung had swollen a bit, and it hurt when I pressed the swollen parts.

At some point, I couldn't endure the pain and told everyone I was going on. The swollen parts got bigger, and I started feeling a slight cold.

The image is mine

Upon getting home, my mom had arrived from work, which was unusual. I got a cloth to tie around my head just to hide the lump, but she suspected that something wasn't right, and while scolding me, she discovered the lump.

Mom knew what it was immediately and rushed me to a medical doctor who claimed to have removed something from the lump. In a nutshell, it was an ugly experience for me. And ever since then, I never wanted to have anything to do with bees except for the honey they provided for human use.

The importance of bees in the ecosystem can't be overlooked, and honey, it's beyond just the honey they provide us, because honey can be used for many things that we can't even imagine.

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 29 days ago  

Voted by Hive Naija.gif

But come to think of it how do these people really do bee farm without getting sting. I heard the sting is hell