Confronting the mystery of graveyard

in Hive Naijalast month

Despite the fact that I live in an undeveloped area, I have never encountered a ghost before, though there was an old woman who always told all the children in the area about some ghost coming back to life after they were dead.

I haven't listened to the woman tell the story, but I know some kids who have listened to her and then end up getting scared at any slight thing they see.

I was a kid, but I had a strong mind, and nothing could make me get scared, so I planned on visiting the woman with some other kids who were interested in listening.

It was around 6 p.m., so the woman told us about a graveyard close by. She said there was a ghost there some years ago who always woke up in the morning and went out like a normal human being.

She said the man was a ghost, but he sold something in the market, so one day she went to the market to get vegetables, and she saw people gathering. She quickly moved closer, and nothing was in the middle where they were gathered, but she managed to ask what was going on.

The image is mine

Someone in the market told her that a man who sells something at the market entrance disappeared because he saw someone who knew him, and immediately the old woman heard that she had returned home because she was scared.

I didn't feel anything during the time she was telling us the story or even after the story, but every other kid was already scared because the graveyard in question is by the road where we normally pass by our school every day.

We left the woman's house, and ever since then, I have been looking for a way to see inside the graveyard. Maybe some people were living inside and they were disguised as ghosts. But my mom wouldn't let me go out as I liked.

One day, my boldness almost got me in trouble. It happened that we went for a night vigil, and on our way back, my mom forgot something in the church, she told us to go ahead and that she would meet us at home.

It was 6 a.m., and there was fog everywhere because it was December. We almost got to the graveyard, and I began to feel cold all of a sudden. Goosebumps began to come out of my body, and I looked around, but I didn't see anything.

We were five in number, and another person said her head was swelling up. Still, I wasn't convinced enough that a ghost really existed, so I told the rest of them to let us check inside through the holes in the fence.

None of them was ready to check, so I summoned the courage to peep through the hole, though I didn't see anything that looked like a ghost aside from the burial grounds. As I looked through the hole, every single hair in my body stood up, and I could feel it as if someone had passed, but I didn't see anything.

I ran back, and every other kid ran after me. I didn't stop until I got to our house, then I realized that what that woman told us might be true, even though I didn't see a ghost, the rate at which goosebumps came out of my body told me the graveyard was a scary place to be.

Ever since then, I don't like anything that has to do with graveyards or ghosts because the experience is still fresh in my head, as if it happened yesterday.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


It is difficult to explain and there are so many things beyond human understanding. I didn't believe any like ghost until something happened and it became clear that things are happening in the spiritual realm that we don't know about

Yeah, I have witnessed it even though I didn't see it physically but with that experience I know reincarnation is real

We don't really have to see a ghost before we believe in them. Sometimes it's the feeling we have, when there's a ghost around us and also most times after saying some certain words to the ghost, the atmosphere would return back to normal.

My goodness! You did that? You really have a strong mind then for a child.

and I began to feel cold all of a sudden. Goosebumps began to come out of my body, and I looked around, but I didn't see anything.

All these are quite true when you get closer to a graveyard at a time like that. I imagined the part where the hair on your body stood and you ran with other kids till you got home😂😂.