Phobias || Mental Health Tips || Pet Peeves!!!

in Hive Naija23 days ago

While growing up, I have always been afraid of two things; afraid of the dark and height. The first is known as nyctophobia which refers to an intense and irrational fear of the dark which causes distress or anxiety to such an individual. The second one is known as acrophobia which means fear of climbing high places or jumping from high places like mountains or a cliff.


These two have been part of me right from my childhood days. I don't like going to dark places, even inside the house. Whenever I am sent to bring or do something in the room and there is no light, it takes me a while to finally push myself inside or most times, lucky to have someone to escort me because I always assumed ghosts are everywhere. I used to think that when I went to dark places, a ghost or spirit was following me and would be hurt if I went alone except someone followed me. It took me years to finally realize that ghosts don't haunt an innocent being, and besides, we were told that it is only those who have killed or murdered someone who are always afraid of the dark.

It was later when I grew fond of horror movies and could watch even in the dark, that I was able to overcome the fear of the dark or at night because of the belief that I didn't kill anyone, so ghosts cannot haunt me. Also, I try to always mention the blood of Jesus in the dark as that name has always calmed me down, knowing that even Jesus cannot allow anyone to hurt me. Lol

So is the fear of climbing high places or jumping down. Till today, I still haven't overcome that phobia and haven't heard of any logic to help me overcome it. The last time I went for a vacation with my sister to Idanre Hills, one with 690+ steps, you know how high it would be if one finally got up and tried to look down. As I kept climbing the steps, I couldn't look back because my eyes would start turning and might feel dizzy making me uncontrollable. It took the help of our tour guide to hold my hand all through climbing up and down the mountains and rocks around.

Mental Health


For my mental health, it is important to keep it sane to remain healthy. I don't do things that will stress me and when I need to rest, I don't hesitate to leave whatever I am doing to give my mind the peace and calmness it needs. I try not to overthink or get worried because I have come to understand that problems will always come and go, none has ever been permanent. Aside from that, I can only solve the ones I am in control of and the ones beyond my ability, I leave to God.

When situations that overwhelm me show up, I try to calm down, and then think of a way out rather than pacing up and down, giving myself unnecessary stress and eventually developing a headache. In the end, this stuff won't solve our problems but to affect our mental health. So, I calm down, think of how to go about it, leave the ones I cannot control and allow nature to take its course.

Lastly, I exercise a heart of gratitude as this helps me not to think of what I do not have but to be grateful for the things I have while also being contented. This helps me stay focused and not get bothered which could affect my health negatively.

What are my pet peeves?


Although we all cannot be perfect, there are still some things we ought to understand are not right, but since most of them have become a habit, we find it difficult to stop them. Like one of my uncles, he is fond of making sounds when he is eating. I am someone who gets easily irritated when things like this occur around me and I do not hesitate to caution you to control yourself. Some people are so easily carried away when eating that they don't remember being around other people, they just keep making sounds with their mouth when eating, even bones. Lol

Another pet peeve of mine is talking during a movie. Some people will narrate the whole scene when with you and this is something that annoys me. That is why I don't watch movies with someone, especially ones they have watched before. They will start making it uninteresting as they want to explain how it went. Even when they haven't watched the movie, you will see them talking about the characters and the movies they have featured in or have produced. This thing irritates and annoys me so much. But some people in this category won't want to listen even when you keep chasing them away because they want to rewatch the movie with you but they won't stop talking about it. Let me just watch my movie alone and in peace instead of someone turning spoilers.

Here is one that annoys me so much. Just like @nkemakonam89 said in her post, I hate to see soap latte on the wall in a bathroom. There are times that when I enter the bathroom, there will be soap latte splashed everywhere in the bathroom and the one who took his or her bath won't think of washing them away with water. It's so annoying to see such because I don't do that. Once I am done bathing, I make sure to sprinkle water on every part of the wall where soaps are splashed.

Finally, spitting in public. Oh my! This is extremely annoying and gross. Like, are you pregnant? Why would you keep spitting in public, I mean on the road where people pass on? Even if one is pregnant, because we understand women in this state do this as most of them cannot control themselves, I don't still see why spitting in public is normal. The worst part of it is seeing people coughing out phlegm on the road. No no no, this is awful. Some people are just not considerate of other people but do their thing and walk away.

In my tribe, they believe that when you spit in public and someone crosses over it, it causes a sore throat for the one who spits, but many people won't listen. This is kind of letting people know it is not good to spit in public where everyone passes through as one could mistakenly step on it, now imagine stepping on someone else's phlegm — sticky spit. This is gross 😝

This is my entry to Day 24 May Inleo Monthly Initiative. If you are looking to participate, you can jump on it now by clicking the link below for more instructions.

May Inleo Monthly Calendar

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Thanks for your time reading. Looking forward to your interaction.


Posted Using InLeo Alpha


You know I am also facing phobias. You are facing two but mine very much. I am afraid 😳 from height, too much water, fire, blood, and all above summer. You know when I feel phobia my ears stop working.

Hahaha. You have lots of phobias and yes, I am afraid of water too but I am trying to try swimming in a big pool someday to take that phobia off 😀

I have a great phobia for height too. I can't stand the height of more than a certain meter above ground level. You gave a helpful tip in managing one's mental health. It is one thing that an average Nigerian needs to take serious now. Our government are capable of getting more were on the street. Mental health is vital.

Hahaha. Our government aren't doing us good, we have many "weres" on streets now because most of them cannot handle their mental health with what our government is doing to us. We just need to stay calm and believe God is with us.
Thank you, Lightpen 😊

Oh how I hate seeing spit, one thing that can make me abandon my food is when someone spits beside where I'm eating, gosh!!! Another thing is when someone is taking and spit is coming out of his mouth, this one ehhh chai, mek I reserve my comment Sha.
Weldon, this contest is really interesting, let me see if I can write it before it expires

Arrgh, I hate that thing. Even when someone starts crashing their throats and wanting to bring out phlegm, I will stop eating or just move away from such a person if the food is too delicious to leave 🤣🤣 somebody should not come and koba (implicate) me 🤣

Yea, you can write on this prompt anytime before the month ends.

Nice article. Here I happened to learn few nww words like Nyctophobia, Acrophobia and pet peeves. A very interesting article while reading. I think most of us have all these especially pet peeves which keeps recurring.

Yes. We keep learning new words here. The beauty of a platform like Hive. Thank you, Shamis. How are you?

Very true. Iam fine dear. How about you ? Iam back home.

I am fine too. That's great 👍

 22 days ago  

Voted by Hive Naija.gif

Thank you, Hive Naija.

See eh, some days ago I couldn’t sleep because I thought a ghost was around me. After thinking about who the ghost was I just said ahhh she should come and sleep beside me and rest na she’s probably tired from walking🤣

🤣🤣🤣🤣 ghost will not kill us jare. We aren't the one who killed him or her. Lol

At all🤣

My daughter has nyctophobia and I usually ask her "did you kill someone?" 😂😂😂

I have acrophobia as I cannot look doen from even a two storey building 😂😂😂

Public spitting is so so gross even making sounds while eating...horror😂😂😂😂😂

When I understood that people who are afraid of the dark are the ones who have killed or hurt someone and since I didn't do such, I stopped being afraid and horror movies is just like my reverse psychology. Hahaha 😆