A Time I Got More Than I Hoped For.

in Hive Naija25 days ago

The Family Time Are Phones Welcome  (11).png

Moments of hope ? I've had countless moments of hope all my life, I literally see it as a normal thing that should happen when God decides to show up. I am a Christian, so expect me to sound like one: because every of those moments were God's mercy in action. You would have had those moments when something was so hard to get, making you feel like your world won't move until you get that thing you want. Days when it feels like nothing is working, efforts seems not to yield results. Then, somehow something miraculous happened, happened so fast and unexpected and you found that solution, got that thing you wanted so bad. Days like that would feel like the best ever, that miracle would make you smile from ear to ear because your hope was renewed.

One Of My Moment Of Hope

Just last month, things weren't so fine for me due to the economy and crazy prices of things in the country. It was so annoying that one can't spend #5,000 in this economy and be happy with what it could buy. All the money I was getting didn't last at all. Once I get money, there is something to get already and sincerely, it was not encouraging in any way. There was almost nothing to save up because of the expenses on ground already. At some point, I got tired and was hoping to get money aside my usual earning, I prayed about this situation and was quoting some bible verses daily: with faith that the Word of God works, I did not stop praying and quoting the scriptures. And, I also made sure that I was doing the necessary things that could bring in money.

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Second week in April, I got an alert of 10,000 naira from my sister. I was so happy and couldn't contain my joy. I called her and let her know how happy and grateful I was, I said some prayers too. I got some foodstuffs with the money and the rest of it served as money for transportation. The following week, I was hoping on God again, I needed another miracle in my life. I was with my friends and I told them about how rich I was, thry also sharef their own complains but one of us concluded out ranting with God will provide. Next day, I opened my Palmpay bank app to see how much I have left of it would get me something to eat. I was suprised to see 10,000 naira in my bank with the 600 naira that was there before.

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I checked to see who the sender was and the narration was thank you so much bro!. The money was from a very good friend who I helped several times but he couldn't pay me because of low funds: I had even forgotten about the money because my guy is worth more than that to me. I couldn't stop thanking God. It got to a point that I just started repeating thank you Jesus. That wasn't all, another friend sent me 3,000 naira and was still begging that he ought to have done more.

All these happened and really made my faith stronger and rigid in God, a Helper in time of need, faithful and just. Beside trusting God, it is good to be very good to others too.

All images used were gotten from Canva

Thank You For Reading Till The End

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Beside trusting God, it is good to be very good to others too.

This is so true bro... because God works wonders in our lives through people as well so the best combo is to trust God and be nice to people
I can see how God used people to come through for you when you most needed help
You are blessed bro
Thanks for participating!

because God works wonders in our lives through people as well so the best combo is to trust God and be nice to people

Yes, do to others exactly what you want them to do to you.

Thank you mama!🤗

 25 days ago  

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