in Hive Naija28 days ago (edited)


You must be the change you wish to see in the world, be the person to take the first step towards this change, because when it starts from you first, a step towards the change you earnestly seek has been taken, and the journey towards change and growth has been set in motion.- Mahatma Gandhi

Thanks to the advancement in science and technology, there has been a lot of growth and change in our way of life, science and technology have made our lives better to an extent. for instance, look at how refuse and waste were disposed of in ancient times, I meant during the time of our forefathers. if my teachers are correct, I heard there was nothing like recycling not to talk more of proper disposal of waste...

I wonder how my forefathers managed to live a very long life, thanks to the books I have read in the past, I came to realize there was nothing like recycling in the past, our forefathers just kept on burning every refuse and waste they found around, even if few of them might have been in the know of the importance of recycling, majority of them never practiced it, they just kept on burning every bit of waste they lay their eyes on, thereby causing gradual depletion of the OZONE LAYER...

Science and technology came and brought about modernization, and thinking this would be the end of every improper way of refuse and waste disposal, it seems science and technology worsened it more, thanks to the big companies and factories being built everywhere...

Over the years humans have kept on complaining about the improper ways of refuse and waste disposal, the funniest thing is that we keep blaming and laying faults on the wrong people. we humans are the main factors responsible for damage done to the earth and environment...

We keep laying all the blame and fault on the big companies around us, whereas we are also amongst them, which means we share equal blame in this matter. a lot of people chose to ignore the process of reducing, reusing, and recycling because of their nonchalant attitude, and it keeps affecting us big time when we burn every of our waste improperly, the smoke from all these companies and burning of recyclable waste depletes the ozone layer shielding the earth of harmful diseases gradually...

Let the change we want earnestly start from us, and if this can be done, then we are a step closer to achieving our goals...


Exposure to the realities of life is one of the advantages of being schooled. ever since I learned of the Importance of recycling, I have become a changed person, I reduce the way I burn unnecessary stuff because it ends up affecting the ozone layer every day...


I knew this is something everyone needs to know, everyone needs to know the importance of recycling and reusing waste, we need to cut down on burning things anyhow...

Since I knew about recycling, I have made a habit out of separating wastes that could be recycled and ones that can't be recycled, thanks to this method, burning of dirt and recyclables has reduced to its bearest minimum...

I apply the rules of reduce, reuse, and recycling in my everyday life, a big shout out to the companies that come to us to buy each of our recyclable thrashes, these companies buy them and help us convert our waste into reusable materials, this process has reduced refuse and recyclable waste burning to an extent....

Recycling is not really being practiced by everyone but I practice it sometimes, I do it at home occasionally, especially when I am in charge. this is what I learned from schooling, I realized the big damage we have been causing to the ozone layer through the burning of recycles...

We can apply this concept in our daily lives, especially in our homes and respective organizations, we need to work hand in hand to ensure the ozone layer doesn't deplete any further. let's recycle wastes that can be recycled and incinerate those that can be incinerated, let's reduce burning, this is for our good...

In summary, we can't keep waiting for our governments to take the first step, and we can't keep waiting for the big companies to come in first, it is in our hands and strength to put a stop to this, let it start from us and gradually this change will spread out like a wildfire...


In conclusion, SAFETY & GOOD HEALTH are one of the advantages of applying the reduce, reuse, and recycling methods in our everyday lives, let's keep doing the right thing and in the right approach for our sake...

So that is that on reduce, reuse and recycling, this is my entry to the INLEO May daily prompt; day 14. This is an interesting initiative, you should take part in it, it's on friends...

                   THANKS FOR READING...

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 28 days ago  

I do believe that when it comes to recycling (especially in Nigeria) it’s almost impossible. Most especially since there is no awareness about it whatsoever. We are not taught what it is to recycle and the benefits of it. I recycle. But it’s like one out of every fifty persons in Nigeria know what recycling is.

You are totally right sis, maybe having this as a special course from the primary to university level will be a way to educate our children and the more people we get to practice this the better for us all

I strongly agree with you my dear, it will be hard to inculcate this habit in Nigeria lol, i also do the little i can but not always ahaha, we need to make it known to the world to increase its level of influence and participation, thanks for stopping by my dear

We must try to create awareness for Nigeria on the advantages of This three R’s although it can be hard but with time it will be easy for a safety and good health

Exactly , awareness creation is very important in this area, with time we will get used to the 3 Rs, thanks for stopping by brother

I don't if it's just me, but we really need to up our game when it comes to recycling in Nigeria. It's really bad.

Exactly brother, we need to double up brr. Thanks for stopping by my man…

I like the fact that a lot of us are now getting familiar with this terms and practicing it in contrast to our parents who are unschooled. I believe that this menace will be greatly reduced in the next generations as we educate our children.

Exactly mam, the next generation will be much different, let’s start helping them learn it’s importance now before it’s to late, thanks for stopping by mam…

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