Some random photography from different places.

in Hive Naija5 months ago


Bangladesh is a riverine and agricultural country. Bangladesh is surrounded by rivers everywhere. When you cross the river, your mind always becomes very happy. Songs in the voice of the sailors. The rustling wind on the river bank and the sound of the river. Sometimes the chirping of the hummingbird makes you not want to go home. Especially the afternoon to evening time is the best to enjoy. Like... Early in the morning we woke up to the sound of birds. All around the green grass. And I was always impressed by seeing the green fields of golden paddy. The look of Bengal keeps me smiling every time and every moment. That's why the poet says that I have seen the form of Bengal, so I don't go back to find the form of the world. Truly, the beautiful and varied scenes of Bengal keep us fascinated. Today I am going to show you some such charming lighting images, I hope you will like them.


In the above photograph I have tried to show you a very old land farming technique of Bangladesh. Till 90s this technology was there to cultivate the land. However, in the present time the welfare of the technology is no longer seen. While walking with friends, this technology suddenly caught my eye, so I captured the camera.


The fun of listening to Bhatiali songs in the voice of a lost sailor while sitting quietly on the bank of the river alone is different. Whenever I get time, I sometimes go to the bank of Padma river and try to spend time from afternoon till evening. In this photography I have tried to show you a view of the sailors returning home at sunset. You tell yourself who would not want to see such a beautiful scene.


When the monsoon season comes, when the water in the river becomes stagnant, the fishing nets fall all around. This time is best enjoyed by the river. Colorful boats run in the river. From different directions, the voices of the Magi come out with beautiful songs. I have tried to show you a boy brother in the picture above. He is returning home after fishing. The interesting subject in this photography is the water of Padma and the surrounding sandy scenery.





In the above three photos, I have tried to show you the beauty of the flowers blooming in my garden. Thousands of rose flowers bloomed on new branches of the rose tree. Anyone will be fascinated to see roses of different colors blooming on the same tree. Moreover, now when the krishna chura flowers are blooming, you can see that there are bunches of krishna chura flowers blooming on my flower tree. I have presented one more jaba flower to you. The flowers are really very beautiful. In another picture you can see my younger brother sitting in the Kashful field. He was telling me again and again whether it is flower bus or not white white. This scene is also captured by the camera from the courtyard of our house.



It has been so hot for quite some time now, there is no rain. It is as if there is no end to suffering in people's lives. The temperature during the day remains above 40 degrees, it drops a little at night, but in the morning, the situation is whatever you want it to be. In the afternoon I went for a walk near the house and at that time I looked at the sky and saw a blue sky and a few pieces of white clouds floating. Just then I frame the scene with the camera in the grass to enhance the beauty.


There may be no one who does not know bees, but many have eaten bee stings and many have not yet tasted its bitter taste. As a child, I remember when I went to the field, I used to hold the bee in the sesame flower along with the flower. I have eaten Hulu many times. Its taste is so bitter that one who eats it cannot be said to know it. I remember how much I cried after being stung by a bee and caught this bee again with flowers. However, it was very nice to see such a beautiful scene after some time, so I presented it to you.


I have come to the end of the post to see. The sunset photography is the end of today's post. I love to enjoy the scene when the sun lights up the western sky with a crimson glow. Looking at the sky from the empty desert, it seems as if a tip is placed on the forehead of the sky.


The sunset is a beautiful sight to behold. Capturing the essence of life, I believe, is a vital skill in photography. In other words, photography is at its best when you're able to capture nature.

Thanks for sharing these wonderful pictures with us.

Thank you 💝