You have to turn your confidence into action.

in Hive Naija5 months ago

We must have faith in ourselves. I have the confidence that if I work hard, I have the talent and I can do this job. I think a lot of things in my mind and make many plans but never can turn it into action or try. Worries about what others are doing or what will happen. If we want to turn around and achieve success in life, then our main and first task is to turn our self-confidence into action. Must work hard.


I think the greatest and most valuable motivation in the world is self-motivation or self-criticism. You have to encourage yourself. And act accordingly later. All day long we spend our days scrolling through Facebook newsfeeds or entertaining ourselves through YouTube. But our mind is sitting with a lot of hopes. I will do something good and I will go to a good position in life.

A lot of things we understand!!!! , all these have to be done. Now we are motivated, but we don't want to study or do any work”. Today, tomorrow, years pass, but the work is not done. In a word, we can also give motivation. I can also take motivation from others. But I can never hold it in myself.

We are motivated by hearing people's motivational speech, but their status stays in our brain for a very short time. When listening to motivational stories, feel energized It seems that the eyes will shine and the dreams will be fulfilled, I am assured. But after some time that feeling is lost again.

Famous American writer Stephen R. Covey says:

The dormant fire within oneself, if someone else tries to light it, will burn very little.

It means that someone will inspire you, give you courage, give you wisdom, but no one will do the work. You have to put in the work and effort to reach your goals. . No one else in the world will do this for you.