Few of those things I find annoying!

in Hive Naija7 months ago (edited)


Greetings community! You know that moment when you're trying to focus on a movie and someone keeps interrupting you with questions about the movie. That is one thing I find very annoying!

My favorite genres of movies are murder mysteries and crime thrillers. These types of movies are quite intricate, as they involve a lot of puzzles and crime scenes. As the audience, you're always trying to solve the puzzles along with the detectives. While buried in the details of the movie, someone just comes and starts asking questions about the movie. God! That's so annoying.

I believe movies should be enjoyed, and they can't be enjoyed in a place filled with distractions. So what did I do? I set my movie time to be when my family has gone to bed or when I watch movies only with my sister.

Another thing people do that gets me annoyed is intruding on my privacy. Personally, I believe that everyone has a right to their own privacy. It completely irritates me when I see people forcibly intruding on people's privacy.

I was once in transit, and this man kept peering into my phone while I was chatting with a friend. Honestly, it was so annoying. If I were in such a situation where someone's conversations were visible to me, I'd try my best to keep my eyes off the phone because I know it isn't right.

Even at the ATM stand, you'd see people stretching their necks and trying to peep while other people were typing their pins. That's so odd.

Meanwhile, another irritating thing people do is tell others what to do when they are clearly not in the position to do so or inflict harm on people who don't dance to their tunes. The most annoying part of it is when they do it in a rude or impolite manner.

I accept the fact that no one is perfect, but even at that, if you want to correct someone, you do so in a polite manner and not like an entitled person.

If you see me and you feel I am not behaving appropriately and you want to show concern, you can talk to me about it or advise me.

I had once witnessed a scene where a lady was dressed in a short gown, and people clearly had bad opinions about her.
The lady sat not too far from me; she sat in a position that revealed her laps. A woman who took things too far stood up and went to buy cold water outside. She came inside and walked up to the lady. All of a sudden, she poured the cold water on the girl's laps, giving her a lengthy backlash. I was shocked.

Needless to say, the lady felt so embarrassed that she ran out of the door, crying.

In this particular scenario, simple advice would have worked. I felt the woman should have walked up to the lady and explained how her dressing didn't match that particular setting and also advised her to dress decently next time. Simple!

Thanks for coming to my blog!



 7 months ago (edited) 

Hehe you do have a lot to be pissed about and I hope you make it clear to people around you so there will be peace 😅

That movie own, it's like the two of us can't see a movie after I've seen it before o 🤣 I will be giving you preview before every scene 😂

Ps: please source the second image as you did the first one.

Everyone with his own preference right.😅

That's why I decided to watch movies whenever people are asleep

Thanks for the observation ma'am!

 7 months ago  

Thank you so much