The thing about sibling rivalries...

in Hive Naijalast month (edited)

The relationship between siblings is a unique one. Sometimes it's more or less a love-hate relationship. Although hate might be a strong word. I've seen a lot of sibling rivalries in fictional movies. Nigerian movies portray it a lot.


I remember one movie I watched years ago about two brothers who were so close, they were like best friends. They did virtually everything together. Eventually, they got torn apart. They began dragging the family inheritance after their father had passed.

The conflict got to the point that they almost killed each other. The sad part is that it also tore the entire family apart. Family members started taking sides. The mother took the side of one son and the other members took the side of the other son.

Despite the fact that it was a movie, it properly portrayed what happens in reality between siblings. Personally, I have witnessed a similar kind of fight between siblings. The fight was over a piece of land. Both brothers arrested each other multiple times.

As expected, the family got divided. Attempts to settle the issues didn't work. Meetings calling for both brothers to be present proved abortive. Both brothers had their own families, and refused their families to relate. Some people took the elder brother's side while another set of family members took the junior brother's side. The matter had to go to court, and till this day, it hasn't been settled.

I have heard of cases where two ladies who are siblings fight over a man. Sometimes it could be a situation of one lady trying to steal her sister's man.

I admit that fights between siblings are not totally avoidable. As long as we are humans, there will always be conflicts now and then. But siblings are supposed to find a way past that. Siblings, who have probably known each other from birth, did everything together are meant to find a way around their differences or conflicts that may arise. Fights between siblings aren't supposed to last because it is expected that the love between them can overcome conflicts. However, there should also be that mutual respect.

I have never had a fight with my siblings. However, I've seen my sisters have several small quarrels. Some may say it's an inevitable occurrence between ladies. Their quarrels are usually funny. Most times, the cause of the quarrels could be that one person used the other person's stuff without permission, or they both want to use one thing at the same time. The funny thing is that they can't do without each other. They are so close. They are always willing to help each other out. Even when they quarrel, it doesn't last more than 30 minutes. Before you know it, they are back to being best friends again.

In conclusion, rivalries between siblings happen, but they should never be left to degenerate into something terrible. The mutual respect and love between both siblings should be enough to reduce tension. However, in the event of a likely escalation, elderly members of the family should intervene.

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I can't help but wonder why some siblings will continually fight until one kills the other, it can get as deadly as that and you are so right to say that rivalry shouldn't be left to degenerate into some terrible.

 last month  

Voted by Hive Naija.gif

Fight between siblings call me, I can fight with my older ones not physical fight oo cause I don't think I've grown the strength for that so people call it mouth fight so that's what I'm perfect in. The rivalry between siblings is inevitable cause every time there is something to disagree on but then like you've said the fights don't last long.