Are they real?

in Hive Naijalast month

When people say ghosts, my mind always goes to the scary ones I see in movies, that walk slowly and would come rip your head off hehe!! Do ghosts exist on the face of the Earth? Or is it just the stories people tell to mess with our heads? Currently, I can't tell if ghosts exist or not but then I've heard a lot of people say they've had an experience with ghosts before, now that brings me to the fact that many people believe ghosts exist due to their experiences and others.

I had this neighbor who so much believed in ghosts' existence, there was a day we were having a conversation on a cozy afternoon when she felt a cold breeze which to her felt extraordinary like it wasn't normal nor like the weather was threatening, her facial expression had started to mood up and I asked what was going on with her, she replied " a ghost just walked past her" with curiosity I turned around to see if I was gonna see it as well but then I didn't see anything, I was seeing people walking I was now imagining if the people weren't real "make I know how I go take run".

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Growing up I heard a lot of stories about ghosts living among humans, running daily errands mingling with people, and buying and selling stuff at the market at night then when you bend and look in between your legs you would see them, who else heard about this? the particular one that gripped my attention the most was when my mum told us a story when I was still growing up, she said a lady died in her village and was seen in another state married and living among humans, now the part that shocked the lady had given birth to two children, I opened my mouth and couldn't wrap my head around that, then she continued that a few years later, a relative of the lady was opportune to travel to the same state the late lady lived in after death and saw her, the next thing the lady disappeared, the relative asked people a few questions concerning the lady and she was able to get a description of where she lived, so she went there met with the husband and told him everything, the husband was confused so he offered to follow her to the town they both lived before she died.

When they got to the town, she showed him around and took him to the lady's family house, then the family told him the story behind her death and showed him pictures of the lady, they later took him to where she was laid to rest.

Truth be told later that night I could not sleep after hearing this story, I became scared, and didn't know whether to believe the story or not. But then if ghosts truly exist why isn't everyone experiencing them, why would there be some specific persons, or were they chosen by the ghosts? These are questions I keep asking myself after hearing these ghost stories that people tell that sound so real, maybe the ghosts feel some people don't have the vigor, now take for someone like me who would faint if I come across one.

I think I'm still in the process of doubt cause I haven't experienced it, the truth is that I can't vouch for something I haven't seen, and I can't base my belief on others' experiences now I'm not trying to be the doubting Thomas here though.

Thanks for reading🌹

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I’ve also heard about these cases where they saw the dead person in another town
In fact they said she had even become popular and had opened a restaurant
Right when they mentioned her name, she vanished
I don’t know how true it is though.

I can't still wrap my head around that, it sounds weird. I don't know
what will happen if I see one.

You’ll faint I’m sure

definitely fainting, nothing person wan tell me

I think that it's all about what you believe in. What you believe in will totally work for you.

I believe ghosts exist, and just like your aunt said, there's a strange feeling you get when there's a ghost close to you.

You believe ghosts exist, have you had an encounter with any before?

Yeah I do.
Yes, I've had several encounters with them.