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RE: SIMPLE QUESTION: When does a scientist cease being a scientist?

Yes and it's all good (oops I said all again) it shows you are a critical thinker. I'm not asking anyone to believe what I say, I like to ask questions myself to hopefully get people to work things out for themselves BUT the reason I did my 3 podcasts was because so many people were asking me to explain everything as simply as possible so they could actually grasp what I was saying. I don't expect everyone to agree and have always had the haters for my views. I used to try and turn them around but have learned that is counterproductive too. I just put the stuff out there now and leave it up to you to decide. There are absolutes in life tho, black and white, truth and lies, good and evil. I am always learning so please don't think I am dogmatic. THAT is one of my absolute red flags personally.


I am not one of your haters. I just don't trust ANYONE completely. Not even myself at times. (Notice that absolute in caps) :)

I don't trust any particular idea completely. Because I see flaws in an idea doesn't mean I also don't see that there could be parts of it that have value.

I think I may have explained it better in my post about Dogma today.

I didn't mention you. I just explained a little (or a lot) more what thoughts were going through my head.

My exchanges with you did definitely impact the thoughts, but not in a negative way. Consider it more inspirational.

oh I KNOW you are not one of my haters. I hope I didn't give the impression I thought you were!! No way. Keep on doing what ur doing, ur doing it right ;-)

You can tell I think a lot. Introspection is a big thing for me.

I've thought about hate. There is really only one group of people I truly hate.

The willfully ignorant...

Those that realize they are wrong about something, they admit it... then not long after that you see them still pushing the same thing they admitted to being wrong about.

I don't hate those the most as mostly they just can't believe they could be wrong, it's hard. I hate the ones who KNOW they are perpetuating lies because of money or to keep their position.

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I don't hate those the most as mostly they just can't believe they could be wrong, it's hard.

I am actually referring to those that admit they are wrong. They understand it.

Then they proceed to talk as though they never admitted it.

I suspect it is because it is the same "perpetuating lies" to keep their position people you referred to.

How many people have they convinced, and now they don't want to go back and lose the following they cultivated based upon false information?

Ah yes they are despicable indeed.