Translating news excerpts is not illegal



More than a week ago I was punished for having made translations of news and placed as information in a newsletter that I called Newflash, the cause according to Hivewatchers is that I can not do that without the consent of the author of the same, since I would be committing plagiarism.

I decided to investigate about the veracity of the affirmation and I have found diverse material in which the previous assertion is not supported since the news in if it does not have author but it belongs to press agencies or newspapers, who obtain it when paying to their reporters a salary with which this one yields all right that has on it, for which this one is distrubuted, in the case of the press agencies, with the name of this one.

There are some exceptions, in the case of opinion articles, in which case the writer retains his rights and cannot be reproduced without quoting him.

Examples abound, among them Gilberto Owen, who worked for many years in the newspaper El Tiempo of Bogota, who published in that newspaper translations of news coming from the United Press Agency, and neither the author nor the newspaper was ever punished for that.

If the news from the media where it is taken has an agency or newspaper signature, it should be placed, but if it does not, it is not done.

The treatment of the news as a form of dissemination of information events is not similar to other content and personally I have not translated the entire news but only a small excerpt of it.

I reproduce here article 31 of the Law on Intellectual Protection.

Article 33. Works on current affairs

1. Works and articles on current affairs disseminated by the mass media may be reproduced, distributed and publicly communicated by any others of the same kind, citing the source and the author if the work appeared with a signature and provided that the reservation of rights had not been stated at source. All this without prejudice to the author's right to receive the agreed remuneration or, in the absence of agreement, that which is deemed equitable.

I hope Hivewatchers reads this and allows me to continue with my newsletter.


I really like when you 'curate' news; I do not mind that they are translations. It is your choice, which ones you pick, that makes it worthwhile for me.

Hivewatchers might make trouble; they are very strict, especially once you are on their blacklist. He is not much liked in the community, but somehow persists. It is up to you to stay out of trouble, or fight and most probably disappear ;(

edit: maybe if you always added the link to the original article it might help.

I am not trying to confront but to clarify the fact, I am a journalist and a news bulletin does not violate any rule, now if the laws here are different I will have to accept them and I will continue publishing other content. Thank you

It is a bit of a problem that Hivewatchers come up with their own rule; they do exercise a kind of unfriendly censorship. So it would be worth fighting, if he wasn't backed by the powers. Not what you would expect from a decentralized platform, but quite normal in a world of hirarchy ;)

H-W look like something external and imposed, something not coming from within, not flesh from the flesh of the Hive inhabitants. they don't give a shit about our developed opinions.