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RE: The Michelson-Morley Experiment. The Biggest Fraud that Became Physics Dogma

The mother WEFers, their predecessors created this death cult.

And they do everything they can to deny the existence of life. Not even God, they deny life.

The world is made up of grit, you just have to assemble enough grit, and blam, conciousness. Doesn't work, but it is what the science book says.

The mother WEFers have made themselves into psychopaths, and in so doing have lost connection to the divine. They worship their alien overlords. Why do they want so much for the rest of humanity to give up their divinity?


now we would dive into gnosis
not ralegion, nor science

They didn't make Themselves into psychopaths - They express the gene for it... And money gave Them power (which They lust for!).

Well, there are texts that show these psychopaths doing specific torture and abuse to their own children to create a schism in their minds. This often leads to psychopathy.

And, i wouldn't doubt that these people also have a propensity for psychopathy. (have the genes for it)

Oh, to be sure They groom Their children for psychopathic roles. Like They groom the groups of Us to hate other groups, etc. But yes, the reason They inbreed is to retain the gene.