The Michelson-Morley Experiment - Where Science Went Completely Off the Rails


Long ago a guy named Maxwell hypothesized a field he called the Luminiferous aether where light and electro-magnetism propagated through. He used this to come up with his formulas the Maxwell Equations... unfortunately, these are forgotten, and we use Heavyside's simplifications of Maxwell's Equations... and call them Maxwell's Equations. (the changed the equations, even in Maxwell's books... so no one knows about energy entering from higher dimensions. aka free energy)

This is the story of two guys who set out to prove/disprove the Aether.
Michelson and Morely performed this experiment

They assumed that the earth was moving through a fixed aether and thus we could tell where we are going by the relative movement of earth through this stationary media.

And things went down hill from there.
M-M experiment in pictures:


The first Michelson-Morley Experiment was barely an experiment.
They did the bare minimum of measurements to be called an experiment.

They also found something. But that something was not as big as they thought, so they figured it was an error in the most carefully constructed instrumentation.

They found SOMETHING and called it nothing.


Then they did some other experiments (on auspicious days) with "finer" instruments finding less and less of a difference in the waves along their test instrument


Until finally they announced that there was no wave differences, and so, there was no aether.
And that is where this story ends, and has forever, permanently been installed in the science text books.

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Unfortunately for science, MM only tested one idea of the aether, and probably the least likely.
So, saying that the aether was entirely disproven was jumping the gun.
(but since rock-e-fellow foundation put their weight behind it, it was accepted everywhere... except all the scientists who where studying the aether, but they didn't matter, they became unemployable at universities and elsewhere)

And the M-M Experiment was what Einstein (supposedly) based his theories upon.

Although, there was a physicists who did the M-M Experiments at different elevations and got different readings. He took these finding to Einstein, where he was admonished, saying it was a difference in temperature.

There are other stories, and other experiments and other theories... but all of them are ignored and/or called bunk. (how scientific is that?)

So, we have had a hundred years of science going in the wrong direction.
The effects of the aether are as easy to see as the effects of gravity.
Fortunately they do not go away just because our theories of how they work are completely messed up.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.


Please corroborate your claims by providing Maxwell's original, unaltered equations.


Pain in the ass without my books, but i will see if i can find it online.
But all the top returns are all about the "official" stuff.