They Intend To Kill 12 out of 13 people. Are We Just Now, Entering Stage 2 of VAXXX Deaths?


There is/was a congressman who said, "This man came up to him and whispered into his ear, it doesn't matter what you do. You took the shot, you will be dead in four to five years"

(forgive me if i attribute this wrong, i do not remember names, just the information)

I am sure that most of us here have seen reports from embalmers talking about long, white, fiberous clots pulled from people who have recently died, (and were VAXXXed, we assume). These clots, unless they form after death, would block blood from being transported around the body. And so, starve your body, especially the brain, of oxygen.

Ever since the VAXXX, people have been reporting that they have not been able to think clearly. This may be because of lack of oxygen to the brain. Also since the VAXXX, minor car accidents are up. It is like the VAXXXed people are not able to use their brains to process driving information like they used to.

And now we are looking at turbo-cancers. And although they are trying to hide the connection, enough is verified that these people had the VAXXX. So, this may be called "Stage 2" of VAXXX deaths.

Is there a "Stage 3"??

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What was in the VAXXX?

The spike proteins were supposed to stay in the muscle tissue in which it was injected. But, it has been found throughout every body that has been tested. So much for "science"

And just this is causing a lot of problems in people. The RNA find a host cell, then causes it to make more of itself, (in parts) and then the cell bursts spewing out all the parts, and (the way it is supposed to work) assemble itself from the parts. (fortunately, it seems bad at the assembly part of the operation). However, this is a lot of dead cells that your body has to keep replacing.

Basically, the mRNA is tearing up the body, continually.

On top of the mRNA, there are all kinds of other nasties in the injections. In some there were found tiny razor blades, some made of stainless steel, some made of silicone wafers.

There was also high levels of mercury and other heavy metals.

And something that responded to magnets in many of the shots.

Fortunately, many of the VAXXX shots were found to only contain saline.

However, this makes tying what is happening back to the VAXXX difficult. As it seems you have to go back to the specific VAXXX lot number, to find exact correlations. (which means that BigPharma is soooo bad an making vaccines, that we shouldn't trust them at all. Unless they did this on purpose. And then…)

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Stonewalling and its ramifications

The hospitals and BigPharma are not admitting to anything, so this makes getting to the root causes difficult. They are even messing with the VAERS database.

Fortunately, and unfortunately, with every VAXXX death, we get more information, a more complete picture of what has been done to us. It is only a matter of time before we have enough of the picture to start prosecuting people.

And then they will try to stonewall in courts. Flat out denying people a day in court because of "immunity". Some court cases will strive to go around this "immunity", others, realizing that they will most likely die soon, and their brains not working as well, will see the doctors and nurses who did this to them, did this to their loved ones, will start to seek them out.

There has already been a couple cases of this. Where health professionals have been attacked for VAXXXing a loved one.

BigPharma will not survive this. Allopathic medicine will also die, but maybe not right now, but there will be a lot less medical professionals soon.

Right now, the doctors and nurses should be leading the fight against BigPharma. However, most of them are on their payroll, and so, many will not dare to lift a finger against their masters.

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TPTshouldn'tB have concocted a plan to get rid of a good portion of humanity.

I really do not know if we have survived the VAXXX, or if we are just at the beginning of stage 2. Is stage 2 planned for? Or just a bonus of f'cking up someone's body so much, that they start having cancers at an accelerated rate?

One thing that will come to pass is that a large portion of females will find that they are baren. That their body can no longer support the creation of another life. Too much abuse, and even this basal, instinct layer shuts down. There is a consequence to have Planned Parenthood help with the genocide of children that is larger than any of the holocausts .

Humanity already has decided to extinct itself. Most of the developed world has lower than replacement birth rates.

We will have to deal with the fallout of the Vaxxx, our extremely poor diets, and the ice-age all at once. It would not surprise me to have a time in the near future where there are more bodies than we know how to process. Not enough crematoriums.

I really hope we find some good cures to the VAXXX. But, everything i have seen is you have a regime that may get rid of one part of the VAXXX, maybe. (it works, but it is not 100%)

The only thing i really know is everyone should be taking high doses of Vitamin C and D (and K2 to help with the D).
There are many other vitamins and minerals that may be important for you, including mushrooms like Chaga, but they are not universally helpful. So, learn what helps keep your body in excellent shape.

It will be really important.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.


A lot of these people who got the experimental jab have all kinds of weird health issues. Sudden Turbo cancers, all these people suddenly dropping dead. The whole things is being swept under the rug and I have noticed the thinking issues becoming more present for the vaxxxxed. They can't process information and are in 100% denial. After all this time they think that people like us are just making stuff up and that the whole things wasn't a Scam. They just keep doubling down and acting as if we are just these weird conspiracy theorist.
A lot of these nations are finished because of the vaxxxx experiment. Birthrates will plunge so low because those with alpha seed don't want to take their chances with a woman who got the vaccine and more and more women are finding that out. They aren't pure bloods and why would a man want to risk finding out his kid isn't all there by the time 5 or 10 years goes by. Sounds very frightening. At this point we have to go to low vaxxx rate locations and take our chances there.

If this was a sci-fi thriller, the "heroes" would be devising a test for the "infected" and then killing them off, or building a city with no one allowed in who is tainted.

But, we don't have that, because most of the people in charge are in the "denial" camp, and the others are bribed followers of the [KM].

Fortunately, or unfortunately, the VAXXXed will not reproduce much, if at all.
There will be a real shortage of women who can get preggers and carry a child to term.
So, they have self-selected themselves out of the gene pool.
Now we just have to avoid the zombie apocalypse.

Something i don't write about much is that the earth is going to help out with breaking up the govern-cements. Storms, volcanoes, earthquakes. So, where you go, should consider those first of all.

The area in the states that will be safest, right now, will be AZ, NM and little bits into the states above.

Be careful of the Colorado, i have premonitions of the ocean going all the way to the Grand Canyon.

I would maybe try to go to the Sky Islands area close to Tucson but all the people spilling out of Tucson in that scenario there would probably be too many people. Maybe the Chiricahua's close to New Mexico.

It was British politician, Andrew Bridgen.
Since you seem to like deep dives you should take a look at Vitamins. There seems to be much evidence to suggest that they're yet another scam.

Vitamins are not a scam. But there are scammy vitamin companies. A lot of them.
Herbalife sold a good multi-vitamin, but the story of its start was completely made up.

The thing to know is that know one who had a good Vitamin D level ever went to ER for covaids.
Everyone who did had lower than average vitamin D levels.

The Cytokine storm, when seen in a hospital used to be stopped with a huge injection of vitamin D.
And, basically, if you have enough vitamin D in your system, you are immune to such.

And if we had healthy, nutritious food at the grocery store, and got outside in the sun with minimal exercise, we would have no need for vitamin supplements.

Yes phase 3 is where the survivors realize they've been evolved and made compatible to be plugged into the AI hive mind that will control the planet. Comes with a high death rate but worth it in the end.

I think its validation procces, people take the vaxx at the start of there old ages (mid 50) and start not thinking as clear as before and as its more rassuring to think thats the vaxx or maybe just because they the occasion to get attention is cool they say its the vaxx.
As i alway day now its too late.
Better say it will be alright, than think we all day right haha

That is indeed a difficult decision. Do you tell them? Or do you just let them go peacefully?
I find it better to tell them.

Anyway, my evidence of "losing your mind" was from intelligent people keeping track of their cognitive ability after having taken the jab. So, i find the info pretty conclusive. But, it is not a study, or will it ever get peer reviewed.

I too see a correlation with the VAXXX and covaids affecting old people. And it really does give similar results to "getting old/senile". And as a conspiracy guy, i think it was planned that way to relieve Social inSecurity.

Well it might be planned or not, i know some pepolr that got the vaxx and feel down but mostly old one, while i know a bunch of people that got vaxx and feel the same (mostly young one) so i think its related amd people think its be ause of the vaxx when its mostly be ause of getting old. The global stress atmosphere there was at that time probably didn't help them get better.

I would trust the scenario of bif effevts one there are multiple serious study about it.

But as i said, if we are all going to die anyway why tell it to everyone and make them worry about it

Do you tell them or let them go peacfully.

The answer is in the question if they can go peacfully, why make there last moments harder and stressing

Talk of prions in some of those jabs, which wouldn't surprise me. They'll turn your brain into a sponge over 5 years, and we're not even close to imagining what a cure would look like. Cannibals know it as 'Kuru'.

Yeah, that stuff is damn nasty.
Had to train cannibals to not eat the brains, over that stuff.

I wouldn't doubt that some of the lots of VAXXX had them in it.
But, when it is only 1 out of a 100, and each is slightly different. It becomes impossible to pin anything down, and find the cause. Or to take BigPharma to court over turning someone's brain to mush.