Greetings once again friends, its sad to be faced by this terrible injustice in nigeria, we nigerians hardly feed, i couldnt update cos i dont even have provision for internet but i am sure God is with us and he will provide.


i quickly want to talk about the injustice melted on my student by the aunt, my heart couldnt take it that is why i have come to ask for assistance from this great community.

Bolu stays with his aunt, his parents had him unprepared so they couldnt care for him, the grandma who is the one footing his bills dosent have time so she had to send him to stay with the sister while she pays his school fees and all that.

Bolu has been constantly abused, at every little provocation the aunty and the husband will beat him with cuttlass to the point that he will be bleeding internally.


The last insident that happened got me invite the aunt and after talking ro her about her actions she warned me to stay off her case that she can treat bolu however she pleases. bolu dont eat in school even his uniform had turned to rag.
it is my wish to help bolu of which i have been doing for over some weeks now, bur i cant do it alone, this country is so hard, i have thought of going to the human right to report his case but nigeria is a very funny place, all the number i had isn't going through.
Bolu happens to be a student in a school where i work as an administrator.
for more details you can call +2348168814881
please lets save this boy from dying.