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RE: Battery Powered Electric Vehicles As a Green Alternative are D.O.A.

No doubt an ICE car CAN last 30 years but the average lifespan is much lower (150,000-200,000 miles or 12 years is the average). My last car lasted 160,000 miles or so and almost 20 years before it got to the point it was no longer worth repairing). Most cars from 1993 are not still on the road today.

Newer electric cars (including the batteries) last longer than older ones. I'm not sure about other brands but batteries in Tesla models currently being produced are expected to last between 300,000 and 500,000 miles (about 1,500 battery cycles) which would be in the range of 22-37 years if you drive 40 miles per day on average (this means that the capacity will still be 70% of original or more after that distance/time). No doubt the batteries in older Teslas were not as good. I believe the current warranty is for 8 years or 150,000 miles. While the car manufacturers won't do it, you can also find places that will repair your batteries (replace individual cells) vs. completely replacing them for a significantly lower cost.

As most of my driving is around town, an electric car would be ideal for me. The problem is price. They are just too expensive. They cost less to drive but it takes 10 years or more to make up that cost difference with savings so it isn't worth it, at least not to me. Right now our family has two relatively new ICE cars (2017 and 2022) so I don't plan to buy anything for a long time. Maybe by then an electric car will be worth it.

Yeah, electric cars catch on fire sometimes but that's actually much more common with ICE cars. Electric car fires are more dangerous but less likely.

Battery technology is constantly improving. My expectation is that over time we'll see less rare earth materials needed, better recycling and other newer technologies (like solid state batteries and who knows what else) improve things over time.


The problem is price

I haven't looked in a while because the few times I did look I was shocked about how much more expensive the electric cars were. Any idea what the average cost for a base model is these days?