Conspiracy theorists right AGAIN: Vaccination Passports will NOT be going away in January... DUH!

in Informationwar2 years ago

A microchip "vaccine passport" ID system was rolled out as a temporary Covid measure a few months ago, but today Canadian officials admitted the technocratic cashless beast system is actually permanent. In hindsight, this seems inevitable and obvious, but at the time I was called paranoid (and censored) for saying it was going to happen. Most people have consistently underestimated this diabolical agenda. They also underestimate the power they have to stop it.

All indications point to Covid no longer being a threat - if it ever really was. It is already indistinguishable from other endemic viruses which periodically cause us mild symptoms. In other words, it is now a common cold.

Norway's experts are now joining those from South Africa, discovering that the latest variant (Omicron) spreads quickly, but has very mild symptoms. "It might be that it has now replicated and mutated so many times that this is the optimal position from the virus’ point of view, to spread widely and not kill the hosts." Such is the natural course of a novel virus, observed in countless past pandemics.

As I wrote yesterday, Covid is over.

So why is Canada (and the rest of the Western world) pushing forward with this digital ID system and "vaccination" requirement for almost all aspects of life? The announcement claims the reason is to increase acceptance of vaccinations. We have no choice, they claim, because otherwise Covid will get out of control.

It is becoming more and more clear that this will only end when we make it end. We have been lied to all along, and those who saw it coming were silenced and ridiculed. Each time they are proven right, they are still ignored, while the mainstream "experts" who have been 100% wrong are elevated and respected.

Non-compliance with all unjust Covid measures is our duty. Do NOT comply with masks, distancing, tracing, testing, vaccines, passports, mandates, closures, or ANY other Covid restriction.

And when they push harder? Continue to resist! Do not back down. You are right and they are wrong. You're on the side of truth and freedom, standing up against corruption, lies, censorship, force, and tyranny. They can threaten you, and even hurt you, but they can't win because the truth is on your side. They will bring every manner of trickery and pressure against you. Resist, resist, resist.

Do not take the shots. If you did, don't go back for boosters. Refuse to download the passport. Better yet, get rid of all smart (slave) devices.

Withdrawn participation from government, banking, big pharma, and the corporate media. Do not use or support them. Close accounts. Put all your money into precious metals, crypto, food, and supplies.

If you can, do even more - find a way you can actively fight back.

And always encourage, uplift, support, and praise others who are doing the right thing (even though it isn't the easiest thing). Connect with them. They are your new family and community. Together, we the people have the power.

There's no way this can continue if we decide to put an end to it. Our misery could be over TOMORROW if we collectively rejected this obvious attempt to control all of humanity over a common cold. We MUST stop complying with our own enslavement.



It's a no for me! ;) :-D !LUV

It ends when we all decapitate the corrupt politicians, lol! !LUV

Time to make Trudeau Pie!! Mmmmmmmmm and I'm vegan...

They've gone crazy.😡😱😲😋



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