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RE: How Corporate ‘Vaccine’ Requirements Are Making Americans Homeless

in Informationwar3 years ago

They could, but will they? Wouldn't the sleeping giant have awoken, if it still existed? The entire constitution has been officially nullified except tiny parts of the 1st and 2nd amendments. I think the voting system is totally controlled. I really don't think there's any reason to try and salvage it. I think people who have a romantic or emotional attachment to the idea might be part of the problem, because the elites know they can be used to help keep the evil alliance going. Likely would be wise to kill that beast. States can always work together voluntarily if they want to pool resources and power. No need to get big daddy Sam to violently hold everybody together at all costs.


It still exists. Look at this post. We are the giant.

I'm referring to the hypothetical sleeping giant, composed of the American patriots, that will prevent the constitution from being trampled. Each time it happens, people say "soon the giant will awaken". But more and more it looks like it fell into a coma or died many generations back. We'll know when/if the giant has awakened, because it will look like 1776 again, full out revolution and the return of Liberty. Texas is looking pretty good, especially compared to everywhere else, but even there the majority is letting the feds control their lives.

That sleeping giant still supports Trump, who is very much a part of the problem.

I just came across this Fullmich interview of Whitney Webb, which I find very interesting if you haven't seen it.

Thanks for the link. To be honest I couldn't get through it. I watched a bit, but don't care about Whitney Webb, who I've never heard of. I have no idea why that group of esteemed experts was interviewing her. It appears she's a... vlogger and investigator? Kinda like you or I? I skimmed through to see if I could find anything interesting, but it was all stuff I've already heard, or stuff that seems totally irrelevant. Is there something in particular that interested you about it?

EDIT: Just saw a different interview with Fuellmich and it was pretty good:

She’s probably one of the best independent journalists and researchers out there, still alive today, her investigative journalism work is some of the best there is these days, though I don’t have time to watch this interview so can’t comment on it specifically. But maybe her quality of work and knowledge in these areas is a reason these highly esteemed experts chose to interview her.

Check out, her website, if you interested in seeing her work, or her articles at the last American vagabond, some great original pieces she has diving down many a rabbit hole...

Charlie ward? If he's the one I'm thinking of, I won't care for him haha. But of course I'll watch it, or skim it at least.

Webb is an excellent investigative journalist. She has to have an photographic memory. She was a founder of TLAVagabond I believe. I adore her. She knows everything. Yes, she gets into details, because they matter, and there is a tremendous amount of info in that interview that I did not know, even though I spend hours of every single day watching and reading this stuff.

I gotta get a life.

This is an interview of Fullmich by Ward? I like Fullmich, although I have heard some others compare him to Smell Bigtree.

It's really just Fullmich.... I don't know who Ward is :P

Ward is not credible. Fullmich, I believe, is. I've watched so many interviews he has done that I've heard everything in the video you provided. He's the German equivalent of Children Health's Defense in the US, although I am becoming leery of CHD. I received an 8 by 10 glossy of Smell Bigtree in the mail, and my support of them waned. Then I noticed that they do half-assed moves, which half-assed-ly support the covid con. We need to go all the way. Fullmich, by interviewing Webb, seems to be going all the way.