The psychos in media and government demand we shoot FIRST ask questions LATER!

in Informationwar2 years ago (edited)

Omicron is so infectious that Canada needs "immediate and stringent" restrictions, according to official state/corporate media. They say it's replacing other variants, infecting the entire world in just 2 weeks, and the healthcare system will collapse if we don't accelerate the rate of Pfizer and Moderna injections. All indications are that omicron is the mildest variant yet, and Covid has become endemic - just another common cold. But big pharma's propaganda machine (which has been wrong about EVERYTHING to do with Covid thus far) tells us we can't risk omicron potentially wiping out humanity, so we must assume the worst, cancel Christmas, cower in solitary confinement, further segregate society, and accept even more experimental gene therapy.

"Undeniable Urgency"

"This will likely be the hardest wave of the pandemic," prognosticates CBC. Third ("booster") shots alone won't be enough to stop daily cases from hitting new highs over the holidays, straining ICU capacity, we're told. No mention that the real reason hospitals are strained is a staffing shortage caused by injection mandates.

Immediate and stringent public health measures are required to combat omicron, so there will be no Christmas for the unvaccinated, according to our overlords here in Canada. No travel, no visiting, no recreation or events. Expect tighter mask rules and enforcement, further capacity restrictions, and a demand from authorities that citizens cut their contact with others in half.

And that's just today... who knows what new announcements will come tomorrow? Things are escalating rapidly. Not because there's a dangerous pandemic, but because too many people believe the corrupt lying mainstream media.

Omicron is infecting 4 to 8 times more people than Delta, signalling "undeniable urgency", according to selected experts. CBC also quotes from another study claiming omicron "multiplies 70 times faster" (than either delta variant or the original virus) in our lungs. Even if any of that's true, where's the context? It would only mean that omicron is spreading faster and replacing previous strains, something that happens commonly when pandemics naturally fizzle out.

Boosters every THREE months?!

Something disturbing is tucked away and casually mentioned in the middle of the article, which says "the best defence against omicron is dramatically ramping up boosters" and everyone who had their second dose "more than three months ago" should get another injection as soon as possible.

Wow, not every six months, but shots every 90 days!

Many people feared it would come to this, while others clung to the hope it would "only" have to be twice a year. Now, we'll be told "we had hoped it would only be every six months, but science evolves, and we couldn't have seen this coming, the situation has changed and so must our strategy, blah blah blah". The conspiracy theorists have been RIGHT nonstop about everything from the start, and the officials and experts have been WRONG nonstop about everything from the start, but we're supposed to listen to the officials? This was a classic bait-and-switch scam!

They are using the widest language about "boosters" (continuous injections) I've seen yet. And the urgency, backed by media fear, makes it seem like they want to destroy people's immune systems before omicron is able to safely spread through the population, granting herd immunity. Omicron may actually save lives.

Where's the fire? Why the rush? Covid has a 99.8% survival rate (100% with Ivermectin), and omicron seems to be many times milder still. We should be celebrating, and then doing what we can to undo the damage two years of lockdowns caused. Instead, we're shifting from soft to hard tyranny?

EDIT: Just after posting, I found a brand new article from here in BC, confirming that boosters will be given after 3 months instead of the previous 6 months! Wow!

'Shoot first! Ask questions later!'

The owned media stresses there's no guarantee omicron symptoms are less severe. Dozens of doctors on the ground in South Africa (who have the most experience with omicron) tell us symptoms are extremely mild, and fewer patients are requiring hospitalization. To be fair, one could say there's mixed data on omicron's severity. But to claim we must expect the worst and throw caution to the wind is irresponsible and/or diabolical. Every indication is that the plandemic is over, and that those responsible need to be rounded up and dealt with.

"It is a very, very transmissible disease that grows very quickly. Though uncertainty exists, waiting for more information will eliminate the opportunity for action."

These psychos must be stopped.



Yeah ... everyone is getting it. But if Alpha was an attacking pitbull; fortunately OMICRON is a puppy. Once everyone has had it or is already sane. This is over. Let's take care of each other.

Soooooooo many enemies of humanity have exposed themselves in the past 2 years.

Nuremberg 2.0 has begun... and this one is global! <3
So many lies have been told, and they just keep doubling down. But the truth has a way of revealing itself eventually.

Ermergerd it's ermicern!!

Here's the real whopper. Omicron doesn't exist. It's the effects of the quacksine. Delta can't exist because SARS-CoV2 was never isolated. Our bodies are just doing a seasonal detoxification and as we're being poisoned through air, environnement, food, water, then graphene oxide in the masks, in the pcr swabs, in the vaxxes, in medication, in the geoengineering sprays, in the water supplies, and in the food. There is your 100% fake and simulated convid all brought to you with the benefit of fake statistics. Check out the works and findings of Dr Tom Cowan and Andy Kaufman 🙏🙏🙏

Delta was caused by mass vaccination in India, it was called the India variant at first, remember? Then they changed it to Delta because India used Ivermectin to destroy the virus completely, and the world didn't want people noticing that. I think omicron variation was either also engineered and released on purpose, or it's the natural progression that all viruses have toward becoming endemic (spread to almost everyone, with almost no symptoms). This was expected, and predicted by many of us outside the paid state media :)
The "it has never been isolated" thing doesn't carry any weight with me. 99.7% of people saying that don't know what it means, they just heard somebody else say it.

Look them up. They've been researching proper isolation of viruses for years.
Dr Tom Cowan has a great channel on Bitchute and explains how the fake "$ci€nti$ts" isolate viruses. And any microbiologist can tell you that they are not alive and can't forge their way into your cells. Contagion is a myth period!
Unhealthy bodies need to detoxify every year and we detoxify what our exosomes have gathered together as a herd. Exosomes ressemble "viruses" but they're on the inside not the outside.

If omicron doesn't really exist, ie the models of it and the location of the mutations are all just make-believe, then at some point that will be confirmed, and those responsible will be held accountable. You've seen the computer models of its structure and how that differs from other variations, yeah? If that's not real, we're going to find out, agreed? Maybe not today, but pretty soon. So that would be a very short term play for everybody involved. If that's what they're up to, we need to be expecting a really large black swan event any day, because it means they're not afraid of being caught in an obvious and massive lie.
But that aside, if omicron isn't real, then maybe what it actually is, is just their excuse for the sudden rise of cases everywhere
It does seem real, though. There are South African doctors who are speaking out, saying the Western agenda is a lie, and that omicron is just a mild strain that doesn't cause hospitalization. They saw it spread and take over in the past few months. Very virulent, and very mild symptoms. Like most pandemic viruses in history. If it's not real at all, I'd expect those doctors (who go against the narrative) to be saying that. Most (that aren't on the media payroll) seem to believe it's a mild strain and covid has become just another common cold.
But I guess if you don't believe in common colds, none of that makes sense, so not sure...

Look up those two doctors. I'm not going to explain 30 years of research on exosomes lol😅 Most doctors that aren't part of the agenda are still blinded by germ THEORY/Pasteur and haven't studied the research on Terrain (or exosome) Theory/Antoine Béchamp. Rockefeller medicine chose Pasteur's Theory because they knew they could make money with it. And if you look at the Omicron symptoms (here, not in South Africa), they are all the effects (not so secondary) of the quacksine. South Africa is talking about those detoxifying this year (probably those that haven't taken the vaxx). And computer generated images are nothing but generated. And how did the so-called variant spread to places locked down lol? It doesn't spread. They poison us, our exosomes (our bodies' cleaners gather the toxins for evacuation, then during the low seasons we detoxify. I know Canadians are big on Germ Theory. Probably the French influence haha! I first suspected that Germ Theory was bs ages ago as my body is super sensitive and when I "get sick" (am detoxifying), my brochial tubes that I feel just a little weezy between times weez up completely and expel. Then when it's done detoxifying, my bronches go back to their occasional slight weezing. I was constantly sick when I had to teach in schools because they're full of 4g and wifi which poisons my body like crazy. I had to stop teaching in schools because of this. As soon as I started taking liquid vitamine D3, I no longer "got sick" but one detox per year. I'm usually sick 2-3 times per year for 3 weeks each time. I haven't been sick for a year now. Last December I had the most atrocious diahrea at Christmas that lasted 4 days which was the month they installed the 5g in my city in France. I couldn't even control my spincter🤣🤣💩
Common cold=mild detox. Flu=strong detox. Brochitis=bronchial and lung detox, etc etc. When you wear a mask it not only starves your organs of oxygen, but it upsets your exosomes and after awhile will trigger the detoxification...especially when they're laced with graphene oxide nanoparticles. Anyway, if you are curious about being taken for a complete fool by the Industry (like everyone else), take a look at these two doctors' sites🙏

Heheh, you're so funny. Hopefully with the D3 on board this year you won't have such a brown Christmas :P

Here, this just added from 2021-An Event I signed up for. It's the first part to the movie TERRAIN created by Dr Andrew Kaufman, Dr Tom Cowan, and Dr Stefan Lanka. There are other doctors and scientists in it. It's on my sign up so you have 24 hours to view it😉

My sheets will never forgive me🤣🤣🤣💩💩💩💩💩💩
And !LUV not shitting my pants off for Christmas😝🤫🤭🤭