Did Brian Stelter just say something that makes sense?

in Informationwar3 years ago

I haven't been secretive about my overall general disdain for the media just across the board. There are some people involved in it that I think are worse actors than others though and one of the worst is the fat, bald clown that is CNN's Brian Stelter. Just everything the guy says and does is filled with lies and extreme partisan bias to the point where you can just assume basically everything he says is a load of garbage.

But a broken clock is right twice a day.... or something like that and this is something that happened with Stelter recently and I am just as surprised as anyone.

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Recently, Hollywood elites created a bit of an uproar when they all got together and had the Emmys with none of the restrictions that the rest of Hollywood and much of the United States as well as the world is subjected to on a regular basis. The stars hugged and kissed, sat in close proximity to one another and wined and dined all without observing any of the Covid protocols that the rest of us regular folks have to abide by.


This made a lot of people upset especially when you consider the fact that all of the staff, who were subjected to the same testing protocols as the guests of honor were subjected to, still had to wear masks and many of them were required to wear gloves as well.

It was at first, completely ignored by the leftist news and attacked by the right... just like you would expect, but then the king of clowns Brian Stelter spoke out about how what was happening here was wrong and it shouldn't be a left/right issue in both a story and a tweet.

I tend to avoid Twitter because it is just a load of people spouting nonsense but this one I had to see. The comments section, which honestly you are really delusional if you think the stars actually read your replies, was filled with the usual partisan crap but some of it was genuinely funny.

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Like this person here, who is not at all offended or concerned about the double-standards for Covid protocols but is so bogged down in her own political bias that she is concerned about the fact that Stelter would reference a Daily Caller article. I think it is appropriate that "Molly" has a cartoonish avatar because she is one of the brainwashed masses. I did like the response though because while I don't read much Daily Caller, CNN or fans of CNN really don't have the right to be calling out anyone for truth in reporting.

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There were loads of responses like the above and others that were jokingly suggesting that Stelter's Twitter account must have been hacked because there is no way that he would ever say anything that wasn't completely biased.

I have to say that I am not proud of Brian Stelter at all for this nor do I think that he is any less of a clown for having done it. His show and his fame has been in free-fall since the start of the year and is one of the news shows that has lost the MOST viewers of any mainstream media show. I believe that Stelter is in panic mode and is trying to rebrand himself because his old methods of being predictably liberal and just attacking conservatives all the time isn't working for him anymore.

At the end of the day I think that most if not all of these anchors, reporters, and correspondents are ultimately looking out only for themselves and their party that they or their news station affiliates with and if they happen to accidentally tell the truth every now and then it is probably an accident.


Stelter is still a clown and I have to say I am kind of looking forward to seeing if he attempts to carry on with appearing as though he isn't a partisan hack for a bit longer. It probably hurt him in his soul to write something that wasn't extremely far left and well, he has probably already entered self-preservation mode and it will be interesting and a little bit embarrassing to see if he keeps this up.

Nice try big fat clown but we all know that you and anyone who listens to you for guidance is at least heavily leaning in the category of.....
