Lies in your headlines. It's just the norm now

in Informationwarlast month

I was going to talk about the already viral "bloodbath" conversation and how the media intentionally misquoted Trump in a recent speech but I think everyone already knows about that. Thankfully, the media is consuming itself and most people are able to figure out these lies before they take root in their psyche. This of course doesn't apply to people that are so riddled with TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) that they don't even care if something is proven false, it is already implanted in their brains and is now fact even though it isn't and never was.

The liberal media has become extremely predictable and if they ever post anything about anything that Trump or Biden has said, a rational person will already understand before they even read or listen to it that it is all lies and cherry-picked portions of a speech that will take what Trump says out of context and exclude the parts that make it clear what he was talking about and if it is Biden they will focus only on the one or two things that he said that was coherent. This is just the way that they are now and I had hoped the fact that nearly all liberal networks are failing badly as businesses that this would change but unfortunately it seems as though they don't know any other way and are instead just doubling down on the continual lies.

Liberal outlets are far more guilty of lies than conservative ones but that doesn't mean that the guys on the right are being forthcoming as well. I suppose you have to "fight fire with fire" but it would be nice if everyone would just stop with the lies. Recently Fearless Report has been particularly egregious with their headlines.


now what do you take away from that headline? Well because I know that almost all media is completely dishonest I assumed it was going to mean nothing like the headline suggests. Well guess what? I was correct. No, Harris is not stepping down as VP, as much as that would potentially delight some people.

The thing that actually happened was that she literally left the White House to go somewhere. She went to San Francisco to campaign and fundraise.

Going to San Fran is likely a complete waste of time since everyone in that city, despite suffering terribly because of leftist ideals and governance, basically continues to vote blue at their own detriment. So she is there to get bribes disguised as campaign contributions rather than convince anyone that is there of how they should vote.

I'd love to see her campaign somewhere red because I don't think that would turn out very pleasantly for one of the most unpopular Vice Presidents of all time.


Here is the actual article and it makes no mention at all of her leaving the office of the VP. At least they were honest in that regard unlike the "bloodbath" people on the other side.

Fearless Report is an extremely biased publication and mostly they just regurgitate articles that were actually written by Conservative Brief which is obviously a conservative publication.

So if you are someone that gets headline or attempts to fill your head with actual facts based on headlines you should stop doing that. It would probably be better for you to unsubscribe from these news aggregates rather than believe any of what their headlines say. The conservatives are not as deceitful as their liberal counterparts, but they are still extremely full of doo doo.




I do know quite a few liberals who are finally onto the biases of the NYTimes and that ilk, but they trust sources that are saying pretty much the same things as the NYTimes, but less obviously biased: Slate, NPR, Meidas Touch. Same stories, packaged less absurdly. I wonder if the NYTimes is so bad just so that folks can better believe "alternative" sources that are saying the same things.

Today's headline on Meidas Touch


I do know quite a few liberals who are finally onto the biases of the NYTimes and that ilk,

This is good to see. I can say that most of the people I talk to in my life are aware of the fact that ALL media is full of doo doo. Perhaps people are getting smarter? Oh forget that, there is no chance of this happening.

People are getting smarter. Not smarter, exactly, worn out enough to wonder.

that's a great way of putting it and yes, I agree.

I simply typed "trump posts images of biden kidnapped" and all of the articles on the first page were leftist organizations. I couldn't find any conservative outlets even talking about it but then again, I didn't look very hard.

It's funny to me that they talk about Trump inciting violence with this, which is crazy. Go ahead and try to kidnap the president you crazies, good luck with that.

He might not have even seen that tail gate, which was hard to see unless you looked closely. So stupid. No one would have noticed this unless the left tards hadn't made a big deal of it. It's fitting, and funny! But they have no sense of humor whatsoever. Unless it's one of their comics - wasn't there one who held a bloody Trump head aloft? Biden was unharmed in the tailgate one.

The decapitated Trump was in a rap video and in something that some not funny female comedian who i think is named Kathy something or other did.

Don't really care either way because most news is about bending the truth away from the real news which is odd in itself. This will become more and more hyped being an election year so expect far more headlines.

I don't think there really is any real news anymore... just attempts to sway public opinion. The good news is that I think most people are aware of this and trust in the media is at an all time low.