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RE: Canadians support Freedom Convoy as it regroups and gains momentum

in Informationwar2 years ago

I don't really know how to feel about the convoy because I don't live up there. I do know quite a few Canadians in an online sense and they seem quite divided on the issue. I can't help but feel that the people that are anti-convoy are being lead by the media though. Generally speaking I am pro almost anything that is anti-government-overreach though.


I agree exactly.

Yes there's a huge division, it is created and stoked by the government through their state "mainstream" media like CBC. Those who don't watch or listen to CBC, and those who do but can see through the psyop, are united against mandates. It is only the brainwashed statists who get their opinions from globalists and their puppets who oppose freedom convoy. On the street Canadians are at least 80% pro freedom, cheering and waving and smiling when they see convoys or rallies.