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RE: ¿What the heck has happened and what is currently happening in the Middle East? (Chapter III)

in Informationwar8 months ago

Well, I really hope that more people in Europe also adhere to your vision and principles sooner than later.

A lot of average people do. Here you find a video from a very well known Swiss historian (Daniele Ganser) who holds lectures in German and also in Germany:
I guess, you can choose English subtitles. He is very good in what he is doing and that he hits a nerve shows how he - like many others - had to face some nasty hurdles in booking a place and being ignored by the legacy media.
His explanations about the background and history of the war in Ukraine are easy to remember and to grasp.

Most of your videos I cannot get access to, by the way. Tell me, if the above video is available for you.

I have never heard of the Jews being responsible for Europe becoming "multicultural". I can't do anything with the term and with this name from the woman. "Multi-Kulti" was a trendy term here with us, that is true, and was traded as "good" and "fair" etc..
It is also not about any nation being a monolith, but language is part of it and it is to be welcomed that a Spaniard differs from a Frenchman and a German from a Dutchman. Language is also tied to one's own culture, and for all the love of cultural tolerance and letting live, culture and language can only be lived and practised through difference. But that difference per se is something bad or something to be fought against is some kind of intellectual nonsense. Just as the differences between men and women are real and do not need a battle of the sexes, because men and women have always been the best of friends and their differences make them the best of companions.

The fact that there is so much conflict and insanity is due to the fact that the governments have no honour, those in charge break their word, thus do not keep agreements and outright lie to each other - but people reflect this back and if both, the peoples and the governments, lead a faithless life, you get what you get. Those who have no spark of faith and honour in their bodies have no orientation and cannot give guidance to others.