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RE: The Let's Go Brandon Coin Is Here (LGB)

in Informationwar2 years ago

If woke NASCAR screws this up (already hemming and hawing over his sponsorship by the coin, despite already approving it) they deserve to have all their real fans leave them. See if they can fill their stands with woke hipsters sipping craft beers and eating avocado toast, whatever that is. If they value the puppet "president" over their all-American fans, they deserve to go broke. And this young man deserves all the success he can take hold of! Let's go, Brandon!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Word! on everything you say...the conscious (patriotic) consumer leads the way.
Woke NBA got the worst ratings, all other woke sports,too...
And the UFC with all-American Dana White as an awesome president got the
best PPV ratings..😉
Oh man, i just ordered an avocado i a Hypocrite right now?😅
Much Love & thanks for your comment!

You can have the avocado if you use it to make guacamole. But jsut to be safe, watch some wrestling afterwards. We can't have you turning "woke" on us! !BBH

Haha😅, actually i watch a lot of UFC with everything i eat....that should do it. Plus all that vegan testosterone from my pumpkin seeds & nuts...😉

Because this is such an awesome post, here is a BBH Tip for you. . Keep up the fantastic work

Many thanks 🤛

It does seem like a really really stupid sport for the woke mob to try to infiltrate, doesn't it? When they banned the confederate flag from events people started turning up with more of them... people that probably hadn't even considered bringing one in the first place.

The woke are actually so blinded they don't see any differences among people--they want to ruin all sports equally. They want everyone equally miserable. Your average NASCAR fan/church lady/deer hunter/good-old-boy is not easily cowed, however. They can't infiltrate us because they know nothing of our culture. We know how to fix engines, handle guns properly, make sweet tea, and feed our families no matter what they do. And all they know how to do is tell other people how to do stuff they don't do themselves. !BBH

Because this is such an awesome post, here is a BBH Tip for you. . Keep up the fantastic work