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RE: Some reflections on social security, by an end user.

in Informationwar2 years ago

I heard on the news that the first truckers showed up and started besieging our capital...

Still no word about Hunter biden's 4 billion dollar deal for Chinese kids that he did on behalf of the world's elites because Jeffrey Epstein and associates ended up getting caught.

Don't forget this entire war is a distraction to help out China when they should be the ones under the gun.

Absolutely too crazy of a day I think I'm going to have to go take a nap here soon maybe after I get done working on a couple of my martial arts sticks.


We will soon see how comfortable out tyrant wannabe is, in his office; by how violently he responds to these truckers!

It is obfuscation for sure, and we need to ignore all of it; and focus on China!

Good luck on the sticks, maybe you can sell them, after the SHTF for extra income. We all need to think about income after the economy is finished!
