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RE: The Grand Unified Theory Has Been Elusive - Because Modern Molecular Science Is Wrong

Seems like you are conflating nullify and counter forces. The pool table does not nullify gravity attracting balls together. The attraction at that level is smaller than friction. Using placeholders to explain unexpected results, like dark matter, leads to hypotheses that can be tested.

You can start with a new set of theorized forces, but you have to now explain everything that is conforming to the old set. That we keep on observing exceptions is testament to the idea that science allows any hypothesis to be tested and forwards the saying : There is no settled science.


The "billiard ball" theory of "Modern molecular physics" goes to the absurd, and i tried to give a taste of that in a short piece. Probably shouldn't have done that.

To give a better example, modern molecular physics say that magnets work because it emits a particle (a billiard ball) that goes and strikes another billiard ball, and causes it to come closer. Absurd.

Dark matter leads to hypotheses that CAN'T be tested. You get the very same problems we have, with, as they call "sky god". You can't see it, can't test for it, but we see effects of its presence.

Our current system, "gravity, electro-magnetism,…" is complete bunk. It has been completely debunked. It has been completely replaced with better theories, but no one in the ivory towers will allow that discussion. Further, we are only told about how the theories of Newton and Einstein were tested. Most of those tests are actually impossible to replicate.

I agree that we have no settled science. But, just try to say Einstein or Newton are completely wrong, and you get such hugh blow back, that you would assume that science is settled.

Needs real discussions! I keep on seeing videos and posts about a flat earth. No one debates that because round earth adherrants view it as obsurd. Results in an echo chamber where flat-earthers get to appeal to extra-logical diatribes to get more people to believe them. "They won't debate us because they know we are right!"

A particle for gravity? Like a photon pushes matter, this would be the compliment. Instead of anti-photon they call it graviton?

Poor flat earthers.

The problem is, there are problems with the globe model, and no one wants to discuss that.
Like, we can see further then we should on a globe the size we are told. SOooooooo, is it not a globe? not the size we are told? Or does light not travel in a straight line.

I have a feeling that light travels along the curve of the earth, whatever the curve is, and thus, light cannot be used to measure the curve.

I believe in the aether models more than any particle physics models.
That said, there very well could be a particle, that shot out from one atom, pulls another atom closer. Like a "graviton." You would also need much the same thing for pulling magnets together.

So much science needs to happen.

But, we got Ball earthers calling flat earthers stupid, and the flat earthers saying "you aren't looking at the facts" and nothing REAL happens. At least the flat earthers are looking… i think.