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RE: Studies show Pfizer shot IS effective... if you isolate and take infinite boosters

You have to think reasonably to get past the language being used.

People think this vaccine actually stops the spread!

Saying that sentence makes me feel like I'm crazy! A vaccine is supposed to stop the spread, so of course it does, right? They changed the legal definition of a vaccine to allow the treatment to use that name and fool everyone who is not up to date with the new definition.

I'd like to see the serious question asked: does the vaccine stop the spread, and what study proves that.


Yes. I think a large independent double blind study that directly compares vaccinated groups against unvaccinated groups would yield useful data. But as far as I know those studies aren't being done.

They had large double-blind trials where they declined to study this basic factor. They all decided it was not helpful to their product to look at transmissability, yet every time I hear a reference to using these treatments to prevent transmission, no one seems to know this fact.