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RE: It's time to focus on building a new Social Contract

in Informationwar3 years ago

'We didn't start the Fire'.
Nor did any generation that was born into their own time. It is not something specific to your generation. Every generation has to contend with this to some degree or another. Some with greater challenges than others. But as for ease and safety, the people of today for the most part have never had it so good.

And herein lies the danger. In this time we are too "comfortably numb" (following your lead with pop culture references).

There are looming threats especially with the rise of a technocratic surveillance state.

And at this time, there are many forces that want to make us more dependent than ever. You see, if you feel like a victim, then you are a victim. You have no power if you accept your powerlessness.


The only rights and freedoms you have are those that you make for yourself. If you have ask someone or await permission for such things, you never had them in the first place, nor will you ever until you make them for yourself.