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RE: What Does white privilege Mean? | Pop Culture by

in Informationwar4 years ago

Interesting. This is why I care about where folks 'hail' from.
It is illogical to me to think it has no bearing.

Perhaps you have never met an actual Christian. Perhaps, you met their impostors, the "Christian"Zionists.

Hint: Actual Christians don't go to Mega Churches ;)
In fact they may even follow their esoteric teaching that the Church does not, things that were 'removed' from the KJV, and those 'christians' believe their footnotes in their abomination Scofield 'Bibles'

This will shed more light onto what I am saying, and give you a whole new perspective on generalizing "Christian", if you care :) :


True GNOSTICS are very difficult to locate.

True GNOSTICS are very difficult to locate.

I'm glad you recognize that. Very true. They have been exterminated, weeded out, Purged. Still going.

Gnostic Gospels 'of Thomas' saying 77b:
The Kingdom of God is inside you and all around you
Not in a mansion of wood and stone
Split a piece of wood and I am there
Lift a stone and you will find me.