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RE: How can you really, honestly support Joe Biden?

in Informationwar4 months ago

They think they know exactly why. They fully believe that the US is being overrun by White, homophobic, xenophobic, drug addicted bigots, that Trump has placed monsters in the heart of nearly every conservative, that their way of life is in danger, and that they must fight tooth and nail (armed with their signs) to bring the nation back to sanity. They are afraid to go to small towns, even in NYS, the danger is so great. They are excellent examples of the kind of nutjob MSM is capable of creating. It must suck to be them.

That said, I see the same nutjobs in the conservative party lately, with the beliefs that Israel's murder spree is justified. They believe this because their MSM news sources tell them so.

I try to point out that ideas that are shaped by any kind of MSM are false ideas. Neither side likes me much whenever I do that.


I try to point out that ideas that are shaped by any kind of MSM are false ideas. Neither side likes me much whenever I do that.

People are very hesitant to admit that they are wrong, even when it isn't their fault that they are wrong. When you point out that it is their source, not they themselves that are the problem, they get just as offended. Well most people, truly sensible people would at least hear you out and try to make a self-beneficial change in their own lives but unfortunately the battle lines are drawn pretty deep right now and I think it will be at least another 5 years before that can change.

Too bad the 3rd party candidates are all pretty bad once again... this could have been a wonderful opportunity for them. RFK jr is Almost what the world needs right now but unfortunately he is very extreme on some matters that aren't going to appeal to 90% of sensible people. The Libertarians have nominated one of their most absurd picks ever this time around in Chase Oliver as well.