¿What the heck has happened and what is currently happening in the Middle East? (Chapter II)

in Informationwar9 months ago



Okay and once all the required warnings and precautionary notices have been made. Let's continue now only with the historical facts on the subject right where I left them in my previous compilation post. And we will leave for the next post, the Chapter Three of this series of articles and probably the last.

The one with the core of the matter revealing and deploying the current and most recent events so that a well-educated and informed mind on this matter (only in case you have previously consumed my previous articles in their entirety) has the true possibility of understand and reaching a fairly accurate conclusion about what is really happening at the moment in the Middle East.

Therefore, in this second chapter of this series. I will not expand much more on the textual content since I reckon there will be already long enough and better explained audiovisual content so that there is no need I have to write much more in order that you really can achieve the goal of clarify and better understand the current situation in that part of the world. Thus, from this moment on, less reading and more attention to sounds and footage. ¡The proof is in the pudding!

"Voices Of The Silenced Majority"

And finally and just to prepare you for what you will face in the third and final chapter of this series. I will culminate this post right here with a recent breaking news event in the area of ​​the occurrences in full development. ¡Stay in tune folks!

"Last Minute News"

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Cranky Gandalf



This is useful to see more of the background. Are these old videos? I had heard a few years ago that the settlements were turned over to the Palestinians. Was this a technicality and they are still owned and occupied by Israelis? What about the Trump offer where there was a map drawn to give the Palestinians many nice areas (Trump's assessment)? How many compromises have they turned down? Is it true that they will not accept Israel to exist at all as a state in that region?

No, the videos are not that old. But in any case this is a conflict that has been without a solution for 75 years now.

As for the rest of your doubts and questions, you will find many answers in the videos and links of my two previous posts on the subject. Or if you have a little more patience, you will surely clarify all your doubts when I publish the third chapter and last article of the sequel.

Cheers and thank you very much for commenting and interacting. :)

 8 months ago  Reveal Comment