The Dangers of Mask Wearing

in Informationwarlast year (edited)


I will admit that when I first learnt about the Coronavirus that seemed to be sweeping China, I acted like as if I was any good Chinese citizen and put a mask on. At first I was one of the only ones and it was somewhat embarrassing. Even Dr Fauci said masks were useless. Whilst he changed his tune to encourage widespread mask wearing, even by early 2021 advocating double mask wearing, the evidence was pointing in the opposite direction.

I continued wearing a mask when it was deemed socially important (well mandated in the UK), but by the end I came to view masks as completely ineffective against a societal wide pandemic situation and at worst an outer, visible sign of compliance with the authorities.

Now it is rare to see people out and about with masks, but on each social occasion there always seems to be at least one. Now I look at them with pity, much as they may have regarded me back in early March 2020 with bemusement.

Since then we have had numerous studies indicating that mask wearing did absolutely nothing to prevent the spread of Covid-19. Indeed, especially in relation to children they did harm. What has further repulsed me is having seen numerous social gatherings of the rich and powerful all being catered to by masked staff whilst they themselves appear to be above the laws they have enacted.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), appears at the 2021 Met Gala maskless in her highly fashionable and subversive gown, as masked workers and servants surround her New York 2021

I would argue that notably children have been adversely affected. Despite having the strongest immune systems, they have been subject to social isolation from lockdowns, missing critically important education experiences, subjected to wearing unnecessary masks, forced into ridiculous bubbles and prevented from seeing grandparents.


Public scepticism

All the way back in the summer of 2020 Anders Tegnell, a Swedish epidemiologist, publicly voiced criticisms of mask wearing. At the same time the UK, which was enforcing mandatory mask-wearing whilst having some of the highest infection rates in Europe.

An article published in the New England Journal of Medicine as far back as July 2020 claimed;

We know that wearing a mask outside health care facilities offers little, if any, protection from infection. Public health authorities define a significant exposure to COVID-19 as face-to-face contact within 6 feet with a patient with symptomatic COVID-19 that is sustained for at least a few minutes (and some say more than 10 minutes or even 30 minutes). The chance of catching COVID-19 from a passing interaction in a public space is therefore minimal. In many cases, the desire for widespread masking is a reflexive reaction to anxiety over the pandemic.


Masks were promoted amidst the fear, hype and misinformation pumped out by Western governments and their pressitute lackeys. Tammy Clark, an Occupational Safety and Health Administrator sated;

Let’s just stop and think about this from a commonsense perspective. It is not healthy to cover your mouth and your nose and to breathe without being able to really truly intake the amount of fresh oxygen that we need when we inhale and to exhale that carbon dioxide and waste gas pathogens viruses that may be in our system… it’s got to get out and dispersed into the ambient air. If you understand viruses, the outer shell of those viruses is very fragile actually, they melt in the sunshine and so they’re dispersed at that point.

However, common sense was left at home when it came to this plandemic. My elderly dad asked me at the beginning of this, why don’t we just isolate older people and the vulnerable? This much simpler plan wasn’t even considered. Meanwhile the knock-on effects of entire lockdowns is still being felt in our society three years on.

Typically the press was filled with dozens of studies purportedly showing that wearing masks helped slow the spread of the coronavirus, Ms. Clark points out:

The majority of these control tests “were concentrated on healthcare workers using surgical masks designed to be worn in a sterile environment… they were never designed to prevent viral transmissions. A surgical mask will not stop a virus from passing through and somebody that you’re working around getting it… it’s only designed to catch bacteria from your mouth if you cough or sneeze while you’re doing surgery on a patient.


Research Studies

  • December 2020

In December 2020 a Danish study was conducted with half of the thousands of participants wearing masks and the other half not. Known as the DANMASK-19 study they concluded that;

The study does not confirm the expected halving of the risk of infection for people wearing face masks.

Reporting on the story journalist Alex Berenson said it;

...essentially showed that wearing masks does not protect the wearer at all from the coronavirus… It was a very, very well- designed study. Frankly, if a drug company had a drug in trials that had this trial result, they would discontinue the drug. There is just no evidence that masks protect the wearer.

They concluded masks were not effective at in preventing Covid-19.

Designer masks

  • July 2021

In July 2021 research conducted by Kazunari Onishi, associate professor at St. Luke’s International University in Tokyo, showed that with the typical cloth mask worn by the majority of the Japanese public there was;

...a 100-percent rate in terms of airborne particles penetrating the fabric and through the gap between masks and faces, substantially raising the risk of infection.

  • January 2023

In January 2023 the Cochrane Library, a collection of medical databases, analyzed 18 random control groups and tried to determine how effective the N95 respirators were in preventing transmission. The N95 was touted as the best level of protection by health officials from the CDC during the outbreak. The study found that these masks likely made little to no difference for the wearer.

  • April 2023

In April 2023 German researchers found that people who wear face masks for any extended amount of time face a number of health risks—especially pregnant women. The report, which was published in the journal Heliyon, looked into dozens of studies about the face masks and determined that the public health decree to force face coverings during the COVID-19 outbreak increased the risk of “respiratory acidosis, metabolic stress, increased blood flow and decreased exercise tolerance.”


The researchers also said the common face mask worn during the COVID-19 outbreak can cause cognitive decline in children, testicular dysfunction, and stillbirths due to the inhalation of toxic-chemical build up in the “dead space between the mouth and mask.” The researchers, who looked into 43 previously published studies on CO2 exposure and pregnancy, also noted the “reduced verbal, motor, and overall cognitive performance of two full standard deviations in scores in children born during the pandemic.”

Some of the symptoms that people who wear masks for a prolonged period of time could include “increased heart rate, increased blood pressure and overall increased circulation with the symptoms of headache, fatigue, difficulty concentrating, dizziness, rhinitis, and dry cough,” the report said.

The City-Journal, citing the study, reported that those people who wear masks for more than 5 minutes at a time breathe in 35 to 80 times the normal level of carbon dioxide. (Eight times the normal level is considered toxic.) The paper noted that the researchers said pregnant women who were forced to wear masks were exposed to CO2 levels that the U.S. Navy determined is unacceptable if they were serving on a Navy submarine to reduce the risk of stillbirths and birth defects.

Recent findings from the UK

These findings correspond with a recent report published by the UK Health Security Agency that concluded ‘no evidence could be presented’ to prove medical-grade face masks protected vulnerable people from COVID at all. “No studies matching the inclusion criteria were found, so no evidence could be presented,” they added, admitting the study conclusively proved face masks don’t work against COVID.

Professor of evidence-based medicine at the University of Oxford, Prof Carl Heneghan, said there were virtually no high-quality trials that showed face mask worked. Speaking to The Telegraph;

I do not understand why there’s been a lack of will to do high-quality trials in this area. Is that perhaps because forcing mask wearing was based on politics as opposed to any health considerations?

If there’s another pandemic around the corner, we still haven’t addressed any of these issues. We’ve not learned anything

Prof Heneghan added.

The government propaganda was so finely tuned it resulted in an army of Karens policing people into submission. Those who dared to question the effectiveness of face masks were called anti-vaxxers, far-right neo-Nazis, vilified across social media, and sometimes attacked physically in public. The UK government later admitted that face masks were a symbolic tool to remind people they were in a pandemic.

Masque of the Red Death


"...why don’t we just isolate older people and the vulnerable?"

This was amongst the early facts that convinced me of the political nature of the plandemic. Actual reasonable actions weren't even mentioned, while entirely fallacious policies like social distancing and lockdowns were ubiquitously adopted without even any hint of medical utility or public debate. It was the ubiquitous adoption that most alarmed me. What had welded all the polities of the world into a single tyrannical ubergovernment?

I recall the realization that the journals were lying in March 2020, when presented convincing evidence by @lighteye. I was devastated. I had thought that censorship was just a knock on effect of the horrific deception practiced by the spooks, but that science would straighten them out and protect civilization until it did. Science died for me as a defender of Western civilization that day, and I yet grieve. I still wrestle with grasping the underlying motive of the militaries for imposing the plandemic. The blatant money and power grab is all too obvious, but inadequate relative to the loss of civil society, the suppression of natural rights that had survived the Black Death, and fundamental political infrastructure that were essential to development and maintenance of the blessings of civilization. It was the equivalent of a shooting war against all that was good and holy, everything that mattered to prosperity and felicity of our posterity.

From a shaky but general tendency to promote that felicity going forward in a way that promised the burgeoning of interplanetary civilization, as Musk claimed dedication to, we were plunged into a dystopia in which psychopathic banksters hell bent on eradicating any potential of humanity to escape their total mastery in perpetuity that could only result in hellish misery forever bound to madmen at the bottom of an increasingly impossible to to escape gravity well on a dying planet.

The capitulation of JAMA, NEJM, Nature, Cell, and the foundation of reason and scientific advance was more horrible than discovering that the Church was the central source of child sexual abuse. My personal faith in humanity is not broken. The scientific facts relevant to our progression beyond the savagery and brutish nature of historic and extant society remained true, but I was overwhelmed by the catastrophic subsumation of the human potential for nobility, epiphany, and mutual respect and affection to all too apparent Satanic and sadistic megalomania and raw thirst for power. I cannot express the depth of my grief at the certainty billions of wonderful people will perish, and all humanity will suffer incalculable harm while that vile perversion of society is resolved and vanquished.

When a beloved friend who had saved my life died of the jabs in late 2021, and family I would lay down my life for were injured, I struggled with rage and blinding hatred of the evil imposing this destruction on good people for no purpose. The underlying fact of competitive superiority of decentralization is not changed. Centralization necessary to the obligate parasitism of overlords cannot prevail. This evil remains inevitably subject to reduction in power as technological advance increasingly relegates centralization to the dustbin of history, and sacrificing even billions through Machiavellian machinations cannot change that. It seems to be undertaken out of nothing more than hatred of what is good, antipathy for humanity and the felicity of our sons and daughters who must wrest the world and all that is in it from the rapacious claws of murderous priests and pathological racketeers.

More than mere money, which is able to be conjured with facility otherwise, it is the very human suffering itself that seems the actual coin the cabal values and attains by the plandemic. They cannot win. They only strive to be as harmful as possible while they lose and are eventually eradicated from the halls of power our posterity will rule in due time. The fact is that even if the WEF seems to prevail and 'wins' by genociding ~90% of humanity and imposing horrific genetic modification on the surviving remnant that transforms them into obsequious minions incapable of civilization or rebellion at all, the overlords themselves will establish decentralization and absolute freedom to develop the resources of the universe. As evolutionary pressures favor development of more mutually beneficial society over dystopian hellscapes, the same freedom and prosperity the overlords crush painfully today must eventuate anyway.

Evil madmen only hurt and murder for the sadistic pleasure they get from it. That is the fundamental reason they have undertaken genocidal harm of my friend, my family, and my humanity. No matter that they censor facts, they still remain the facts. Just not saying the words doesn't change reality. The laws of physics mandate what technology can exist, and overlords cannot bribe, blackmail, beat, or bamboozle the legislators thereof.

Armed with this certainty, we can press on to the fray, confident beyond all doubt that eventually humanity will be free, absolutely free, to develop the illimitable resources in the vast, barren wastes of the universe into inconceivable wealth, and produce felicity unimaginable to us today, that will endure in perpetuity.


Thank you for your comprehensive reply.

Thanks for posting stuff that matters.