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RE: Amazon has turned off their green solar roof arrays due to fires!

in Informationwar2 years ago

So right, installing any system that can't be shut off, is dangerous! A perfect example of hiring the lowest bidder (Bubba makes solar?); While not understanding the system yourself.

But solar, like any power system, can be abused!



Correct. One of the most important changes made to where I live is that solar MUST include shutoffs accessed from outside the building, as the fire department and local power companies need access to prevent local PV from feeding back live power into the gird where there is work or an emergency taking place. Local crews want to be able to make sure they are safe, from anyone's solar array.

I will have a shutoff, but won't be grid tied. I don't like their new 'smart' meters! Too damned dangerous, and poorly designed, to be on my house!!!!
