Thanks for the ping, Sir Bacon! I am aware of this ongoing problem with stakeholders who seem to not care about the impression we leave on users or the value of their stake. I think this is an issue that needs addressing. I worry that HIVE will earn a terrible reputation and ultimately cause users to move to platforms like BLURTworld, which are more resistant to reward deallocation. I have a possible suggestion if you're interested. I see that your last nine posts got zeroed out. Perhaps, after a post of yours is zeroed-out, it can get diminished into a blurb that points to the full post at another location. I know you post very frequently. And that means that this tactic can eventually lead to thousands of backlinks pointing to a friendlier place where sociopathic and abusive downvoting doesn't disspirit content creators. FYI, there are ongoing projects in the works meant to shed light on the abusive downvoting.
Consider this post HIVED! to add to the awareness of your present plight!
I like the suggestion. And HIGHLY regard your work. But this is a political Class Struggle just like in the real world... Only the perps here are NOT protected the way they think... So We will be more Active Measures than reactive Treasures.
Peaceful, productive, and constructive is one of many approaches. Perhaps I could suggest something. Do you have any ideas for a dApp currently in development that highlights the HIVEs abusive downvoting problem? Are there any specific features that you'd like to see on a dApp like that?
See? Thats asking me to write stuff... And im a Horror writer... So instead i will get this conference call with Dan started... And YOU'll be on the invite list. ✌️❤️🥓
Lol fucking too many raiders on Hive, maybe we need to pull out the power armor and teach them a lesson
The Lesson will be Flipping BLURT over HIVE like HIVE did to STEEM.

It's happened before... it'll happen again.
But THIS NEW BOSS {same as the old boss} is a N.merican ... not CHyna!
There WILL be repercussions... FELT and Witnessed : )