New Youtube Guideline that is pro WHO could put your channel at risk/video deleted!

in Informationwar4 years ago

A good video from TheQuartering

He goes over how the CEO of Youtube said they will remove anything that goes against the WHO "World Health Organization". Things like taking vitamins, eating healthy, taking supplements and any kind of Natural Medicine could get your Youtube video deleted or your channel deleted. Youtube is now waging a war on any kind of Natural Medicine by taking this policy. The WHO frequently puts out fake information.

~~~ embed:1217043229427761152?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw twitter metadata:V0hPfHxodHRwczovL3R3aXR0ZXIuY29tL1dITy9zdGF0dXMvMTIxNzA0MzIyOTQyNzc2MTE1Mnw= ~~~

Or that it wasn't a pandemic....

use BitChute and threespeak!

The censorship is increasing the informationwar is going into over drive. The WHO originally said that Covid was not spread person to person.... Had you have made a video about that in the past you are now AGAINST the WHO today.... LOL so you might have it deleted...

Please join the @informationwar #informationwar today!


Perhaps RICO should be invoked against the enemedia that are demonstrably undertaking to destroy science. It's not just annoying, nor is it humorous. It's destroying the traditions and basis of Western civilization dating back prior to the Renaissance.

Clearly the enemedia, in this case Fakebook, Twatter, and Goolag, are acting in cahoots to defend the church...I mean the WHO, and need to be taken down.
