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RE: And You Too, Will Own Nothing, and Your Bunker Will Be Dug Up

in Informationwar4 days ago (edited)

"What is the idea of "You don't own the land, the land owns you"?
or "You are the current care taker of the land"
or "You do not inherit land from your forefathers, you are borrowing it from your children"

All of these are the sole option of the landowner, however you want to describe it, with whatever words. While you are right that financialization has rather wrecked the real service money should be, creating of a beneficial and useful tool an usurious and inflationary evil, it does not need to be that way, but has been perverted by the perverse to do evil that is in their hearts.

"Billy Gatez cannot own millions of acres."

That is an aspect of the perversion of money, and not anything to do with ownership of land, per se.

"In the future we will not divvy up all the earth, and say this or that govern-cement owns it."

There are rational and acceptable ways to mutually own property, and they are not always both of those, including trusts, corporations, Communism, and eminent domain in order of increasing unacceptability. Human beings are sovereign and have the right to own property, which necessarily includes clay. Governments are not, and do not. The Declaration of Independence makes clear that men can agree with one another to respect each the other's rights and act to also mutually defend themselves from their enemies, but that does not give some of them any right to mutually steal property from another, nor act in a group as a monarch and tax their ownership of their property as they were thralls, despite such perversions of human rights being claimed as lawful in institutions of government and force being applied to do it. Just because it can be done does not mean it is rightfully done.

However, it is a fact that unless you can defend your property, you don't truly own it, and too distant in the future from today more clay will be owned off Earth than on it, and that will dramatically improve matters because it will no longer be economically feasible to steal such property.

" also cannot deny me from breathing."

It has been done all too often in too many ways to too many, most obviously by hanging, drowning, and strangling, but just stabbing or bashing works as well, and probably has more often.

I fear you misapprehend what Capitalism is, because you are indeed a Capitalist, and cannot live otherwise. Every deciduous tree is a Capitalist, investing it's wealth in leaves in the spring to profit it from the summer sun, and divesting of it's leaves in the fall to avoid too great economic losses in the winter. That is all Capitalism is, and conflating such capital investing with financial frauds that have been imposed by deranged profiteers with money perverted from it's purpose is a symptom of the indoctrinations we have suffered through the fake news of propaganda that has afflicted us all.