Messenger Comparison

in Informationwar3 years ago


A friendly reminder that there is only one messenger out there which ticks all but the last two boxes.

And those two boxes are, as the author rightfully points out: placebos. You can remote delete the message — but you can't delete the screenshot the receiver made.

Threema is also the only one which is not “free of charge”. So you have to ask yourself: Is your privacy and security worth a one time payment of $5?


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So, for people who haven't read the article - what makes Threema useful? Removing a post, I find, is only marginally useful.

What would be best would be that the data is encrypted; that the user would have a private key and the account not tied to a real-world tracking device - like a phone.

  • Threema encrypts all communication including group chats. And not just “secure chats”.
  • Threema uses as little meta data as possible.
  • Threema is not US based.

I like Signal but just like it and telegram I wonder if they are really being forthcoming about the security. I mean, I'm not a tech guy, but these companies have to make money right? So where are they making any if they are not selling some of our data? There's no such thing as a free lunch!

Well for Threema the answer is easy: You pay them $5. Just once.

Threema also has Threema Work which is more expensive and will make them more money.

No surprise that Threema also prides itself in not collection meta data.


oooh, i love that quote. I'm gonna save that. Thanks