Across the Sea💖

in Paper in my Pocketlast year (edited)

Some of you may know, that I have been moving back into my new house lately. This means no internet currently, and lots of time consumed by arranging and rearranging furniture and such. But it's nice to be back out here.


My boy @b34w0lf has been a massive help with getting shit situated. Thank you. No way could have gotten things done this fast without you.


Still a ton to do, but it will get there. There is so much more room here! Everyone has their own room again and I have an office. Most of all, we have peace and quiet.


The title though, is to pay homage to my Silver PIMP across the sea. I got a care package a few weeks back from her with some really cool items inside like a fishing vest, fishing wrap, couple hats - including the old school one from #thealliance! A few other replacements came too.


Several of things she had given me before, and these are sentimental replacements. Love you Sass, thank you. Means a lot. And, in grand fashion, my queen of all the things dropped some sexy ass shiny shimmer in my lap!



#bitcoin, a mermaid, a double eagle? And I know @silverd510 liking that Grogu. Again, thank you @saffisara, you never cease to amaze me! Now as I do what needs to be done, REMEMBER TO BE YOU! I always am, even with a stiff neck.

thealliance new pagebreak 2.png

Wanna find me on that other shit?

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That's some awesome silver! I really like the Grogu, I'll have to get me one too! Nothing like peace and quiet, must feel great to back!

Finally, the new digs! New home smell and all that. A photo tour soon?

Awwww congratulations on your new home😃😃

Awesome haul from an awesome gal. Well deserved bro you are a good dude. Looking good on the home front. It will get done. I’m always me.

Awe I love the crochet Yoda, and it's matching coin! What a beautiful care package, from a beautiful lady! !LUV

So happy to hear you are settling in, here's to stiff necks in offices! haha I'm ao happy for you and the fam 💖

Glad I could be of assistance! Anything else you need done you know how to get a hold of me😅

Happy to see the progress and glad you finally back "home" and that everyone got their own space.
You finally have your office again 😉 know that meant alot to you.
Understand it is much more peaceful than the city and now you can all run free 😜 even the.. Woooff doggies.

Love that first picture of the Girls jumping and their smiles are just precious 😍 bet they love being back.
And good you had your boy to help you out, lots of moving and lifting things all over so more in numbers are always good.

That care package... So funny we got each others packages only with a day or two between 😁 lol
Glad you liked it and I know that Yoda and bracelet meant alot to you so glad I could send them again.
And ya.. Silver.. ALWAYS works 😍
Happy to be your silver pimp, you so deserve to be spoiled 🥰
I couldn't fit all in there so rest Will come in different ones.

Wish you luck with the new house and hope you are happy, smiling and that you soon can relax and get some YOU time 😊

Love you Bunches my King 😘💋
BIG hugs 🤗🍑🤗

Fine looking folks in them there pictures. Why, I do believe I see nothing but smiles


Keep on keeping on brother.

Beautiful coins , a move is tough for sure but it's great you got your boy helping and he on hive that's awesome! I hope I can get my kids on hive soon they still a little to young but soon

Only good times wait for you in the new house. All the best to you and your family @enginewitty

That's awesome. Nice to hear that you are moving back in! Those silver pieces are fire!