Rising Star, new cards and great rewards!


We thought we would do a weekly update on what we are up to and how we are doing on Rising Star and also add a bit of news. Well as it is the start of the month it was new cards day which is always exciting. Lots of new card to be found in packs and lots of pack opening always happening! Some people opening 1000s of packs to try and get the first mint of cards.


Our progress so far

We are currently in position 14th on the leader board and holding steady there for now! We hope we can at least maintain this for a while then work on going up a few numbers.....it is never easy!


In terms of charting position we had a few singles out, one came in at Number 3 but that is the highest we have had! Still working that new side of the game out and probably need to do more pro lessons. However the swap.hive rewards are nice that is for sure.


Overall we are happy with just the passive rewards we get, let alone all the Star bits... sometimes we win the raves too and get a lot more which is nice!


Favourite card for the week

Every week we will highlight our favourite card for the week. This week it is the cow horn an old one for sure and was obviously part o the summer solstice special event? Is there gonna be one this year? Anyway on top of that it has a top dad joke....


The Stick Up Boys tip for the week

This week our tip for newbies is a pretty simple one....buy packs its fun and might get a legendary!

Our NFT records in the game

As musicians one of our favourite things is having our records in the game! You can buy our records as well as stake on them. This is an amazing thing for artists to get more exposure for their music and earn a few starbits. It is also a brilliant way for you to support artists on the blockchain! Here is our record suggestion for this week that you can go and buy now!

Our records are now only available for Legion LGN which is a new Bro token on the market, you can buy it on Hive Engine or delegate to our curator @stickupcurator to earn 12% APR paid to you daily in legion! Our newest record is this disco funk party song, so go get it and get ready for summer!

Start Playing

If you have not started playing Rising Star yet then you should as it is a great game and you can earn some crypto too! Here is the link


I would recommend joining the discord, it is a fun place and great for chatting to others about RS here is the link https://discord.com/invite/dbB6Jc7



the Stick Up Boys

StickupboysLogo (2).png

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Damn, sounds like you boyz are really killing it on Rising Star. I'm intrigued by your favorite card of the week, the cow horn. And thanks for the newbie tip, buying packs does sound like a great thing 🥰

ye well if you need any help just ask, we love that game and have been playing a while!

Thanks guys, will definitely ask when needed 🥰🍻

Rising star is so awesome game actually, I wish it gained more traction.

I'm not fully grinding and learning the game myself at the moment, but I just try to do my daily missions to earn Starbits and XP

I just reached level 60 :)

oh nice one, keep on the grind and open those maps up!