My Coffee Table is a Transformer!

in Paper in my Pocket2 years ago

I love auctions. In particular, I really enjoy online auctions. Not eBay, which is more of a store front than an auction site, but actual auction houses which run their auctions online. There are usually some really good deals to be had and it can be easy to get a little carried away and come home with more than what you really need.

In this particular case, I needed a new coffee table and came across this used one that actually transforms! (insert Transformer sound effect here)


It looks like a rather unassuming coffee table, though it's easy to see that it can expand by pulling out each side of the top .


Where one might put in a leaf to expand the tabletop for more surface area, however, this particular table hides a really interesting trick; there is where the transformation takes place. The middle of the coffee table rises up!


Lookit that! How cool is that?? It's epic! It's just the right height to set my laptop on. There isn't much leftover surface area, but I think there is enough room for me to build pull-out or swing-out expansions on each side; the right side to hold a mouse, and the left to hold a coffee mug. The front room just might become my new office!


This was a $10 purchase. $10! For a transforming coffee table! That's a win in my book.

(c) All images and photographs, unless otherwise specified, are created and owned by me.
(c) Victor Wiebe

About Me

Amateur photographer. Wannabe author. Game designer. Nerd. 
General all around problem-solver and creative type.

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That's an awesome find for only $10! That's cheap these days fasho! LoL

Right?? I've found antique phonographs for less than $30, too (my house is now filled with them! 😂 )