IBT Survival Island - Weekly Update

In these weekly updates we will bring fresh content to Hive, in the form of our game coding experiences, IBT is a developing PC game - the one to have future Crypto interactions.

Bugs is my middle name!

Gosh!! its that time where you have to stop work creating and continue work with the performance tests and more debugging; basically we are preparing for a 2021 demo release shortly...its gonna be a great year!...well once Covid goes of course...oh and economies recover...but yeah it will eventually be good, especially as our new playable demo will bring joy, so hang in there :)

Since my PC is a potato it is best to test performance before releasing a fresh demo. FPS, CPU usage and even memory are all vital in testing the demo.

Main menu tests

Quite a number of changes have been done especially since our last demo release. The main menu has had a bit of an overhaul and should be nearly ready to go.

The changes involve a number of new animations and cut scenes and even though it runs smoothly in the editor it sometimes does look nor or run the same once the game is packed. So for the next few weeks it will be test, test,test and fix fix fix.

That's it for this week.

Our Discord channel invite is open to any cryptonian here: https://discord.gg/Gr3kH9T
So jump in and drop us a line and help with some testing (score some tasty reserved tokens).



It's all coming together slowly but surely.

Thanks mate, its a grind for a bit yet

looking forward to the new demo release. What is needed to be a tester?

Just keep an eye in the discord channel, but I'll do a post as well when the time comes - will give you a shout :)

Thank you. The video previews look great.

Huh.. Looks interesting. Will definitely keep an eye on this as I'm always game for new stuff in the crypto gaming sphere.

Nice to have another follower, cheers

Looking forward to the next demo. Have a great week!

A bit of a delayed reply sorry, tough week for all. Cheers have a good one and thanks for your continued support

Ahh testing, one of the least fun but most necessary parts of any project XD

Poor roachey headbutting the table allot..I'm providing emotional support mostly at this point ...ouch...will keep at it. Cheers

Tell him he has my condolences, I remember that all too well and am wondering why I'm putting myself in that situation again XD